
          沃爾特藍 (Walter Lang)            Walter Lang -2            Walter Lang -3

沃爾特藍 (Walter Lang1896 –1972):美國電影導演,首部執導的影片是默片《The Red Kimona》。1930年度中期,進福斯公司。他最為人知的作品是《國王與我》,獲得奧斯卡最佳導演獎提名。

執導的影片 (部分)

1925 The Red Kimona

1927 三個爹爹 (Sally in Our Alley)

1927 是誰之手 (By Whose Hand?)

1927 大學生活 (The College Hero)

1928 荒漠新娘 (The Desert Bride)

1930 孿生兄弟 (Brothers)

1931 地獄之路 (Hell Bound)

1931 塞宮秘史 (Command Performance)

1932 美人情重 (No More Orchids)

1933 女兒國 (The Warrior's Husband)

1933 風流爵士 (Meet the Baron)

1934 藝人秘史 (Whom the Gods Destroy)

1934 賣野人頭 (The Mighty Barnum)

1935 江湖艷蹟 (Carnival)

1935 愛神艷舞 (Hooray for Love)

1936 打情罵俏 (Love Before Breakfast)

1937 Second Honeymoon

1938 流浪富豪 (I'll Give a Million) 

1939 小公主 (The Little Princess)

1939 小特使 (Susannah of the Mounties)

1940 青鳥 (The Blue Bird) 

1940 銀河雙星 (Star Dust)

1940 伶界大王 (The Great Profile)

1940 仙樂街 (Tin Pan Alley)

1941 美月琪花 (Moon Over Miami)

1941 Week-End in Havana

1942 小島情歌 (Song of the Islands)

1942 The Magnificent Dope

1943 Coney Island

1944 燈紅酒綠 (Greenwich Village)

1945 State Fair

1946 Claudia and David

1946 一縷芳魂 (Sentimental Journey)

1947 金縷霓裳 (Mother Wore Tights)

1948 妙人奇遇 (Sitting Pretty)

1948 銷魂艶舞 (When My Baby Smiles at Me)

1949 You're My Everything

1950 Cheaper by the Dozen

1950 The Jackpot

1951 金玉滿城 (On the Riviera)

1952 情淚心聲 (With a Song in My Heart)

1953 風流貴婦 (Call Me Madam)

1954 娛樂世界 (There's No Business Like Show Business)

1956 國王與我 (The King and I)

1957 電腦風雲 (Desk Set)

1959 雙鳳嬉龍 (But Not for Me)

1960 我愛巴黎 (Can-Can)

1961 痴鳳求凰 (The Marriage-Go-Round)

1961 公主與流浪漢 (Snow White and the Three Stooges)

    沃爾特藍 (Walter Lang)
    創作者 佳銘的管窺與管見 的頭像


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