葛倫福特(Glenn Ford,1916–2006)影藝生涯橫跨70年。1978年入選國家牛仔暨西部遺產博物館(National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum)的名人堂。
1939 Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence
1939 My Son Is Guilty
1940 Convicted Woman
1940 Babies for Sale
1940 神秘小姐 (The Lady in Question)
1941 德州豪傑 (Texas)
1941 Go West, Young Lady
1942 Flight Lieutenant
1943 無賴漢 (The Desperadoes)
1943 Destroyer
1946 蕩婦姬黛 (Gilda)
1946 姊妹花 (A Stolen Life)
1946 Gallant Journey
1948 The Man from Colorado
1948 The Loves of Carmen
1950 天牢喋血 (Convicted)
1950 The White Tower
1952 脂粉郎君 (Young Man with Ideas)
1952 Affair in Trinidad
1953 The Man From the Alamo
1953 The Big Heat
1954 Human Desire
1955 The Americano
1955 The Violent Men
1955 黑板森林 (Blackboard Jungle)
1955 西廂琴斷 (Interrupted Melody)
1955 冤獄 (Trial)
1956 電話勒贖案 (Ransom!)
1956 遠走高飛 (Jubal)
1956 無敵神槍手 (The Fastest Gun Alive)
1956 秋月茶室 (The Teahouse of the August Moon)
1957 近水樓台先得月 (Don't Go Near the Water)
1958 鐵背牛郎 (Cowboy)
1958 牧場風雲 (The Sheepman)
1958 冒牌將軍 (Imitation General)
1958 潛艇驅逐戰 (Torpedo Run)
1959 香吻緣 (It Started with a Kiss)
1959 涼亭虛驚 (The Gazebo)
1960 西馬龍 (Cimarron)
1961 東京之戀 (Cry for Happy)
1961 錦囊妙計 (Pocketful of Miracles)
1962 四騎士 (The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
1962 天字號聯邦調查員 (Experiment in Terror)
1962 選妻記 (The Courtship of Eddie's Father)
1963 徵婚記(Love Is a Ball)
1964 老爺兵 (Advance to the Rear)
1964 22 號民航機 (Fate is the Hunter)
1964 Dear Heart
1965 雙羅漢 (The Rounders)
1965 The Money Trap
1966 飛度鬼門關 (Rage)
1967 鏖兵萬里 (The Long Ride Home)
1967 The The Last Challenge
1968 Day of the Evil Gun
1969 Smith!
1969 Heaven with a Gun
1973 Santee
1976 中途島 (Midway)
1978 超人 (Superman)
1979 The Visitor
1979 獵殺 21 (Day of the Assassin)
1980 Virus (復活の日)
1981 Happy Birthday to Me
1989 Casablanca Express
1990 Law at Randado
1991 Raw Nerve