琵琶羅莉 (Piper Laurie,1932 –)美國影劇女演員。曾演出電影和電視百餘片。以《江湖浪子》獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角獎提名,《魔女嘉莉》和《悲憐上帝的女兒》獲得奧斯卡最佳女配角獎提名。電視演出以《Twin Peaks》影集為人熟知。
1950 Louisa
1950 The Milkman
1951 Francis Goes to the Races
1951 王子復國記 (The Prince Who Was a Thief)
1952 Has Anybody Seen My Gal?
1952 阿里巴巴之子 (Son of Ali Baba)
1952 No Room for the Groom
1953 The Golden Blade
1953 長勝英豪 (The Mississippi Gambler)
1954 Johnny Dark
1954 冰崖浴血記 (Dangerous Mission)
1954 拂曉鎗聲 (Dawn at Socorro)
1955 Ain't Misbehavin'
1955 Smoke Signal
1957 征人怨婦 (Until They Sail)
1957 Kelly and Me
1961 江湖浪子 (The Hustler)
1976 魔女嘉莉 (Carrie)
1976 The Woman Rebel
1977 Ruby
1978 The Boss' Son
1979 提姆,愛我 (Tim)
1985 Return to Oz
1986 悲憐上帝的女兒 (Children of a Lesser God)
1987 Distortions
1988 死亡約會 (Appointment with Death)
1988 華沙老虎 (Tiger Warsaw)
1989 Dream a Little Dream
1991 Other People's Money
1992 Storyville
1992 Rich in Love
1993 老當益壯 (Wrestling Ernest Hemingway)
1993 Trauma
1995 The Grass Harp
1995 72小時魔鬼追殺令 (The Crossing Guard)
1997 St. Patrick's Day
1997 A Christmas Memory
1998 老師不是人 (The Faculty)
1999 Palmer's Pick Up
1999 The Mao Game
2000 神鬼大法師 (Possessed)
2004 天才家族 (Eulogy)
2006 陷索 (The Dead Girl)
2007 獵犬 (Hounddog)
2008 Saving Grace B. Jones
2009 豐收之月再臨 (Another Harvest Moon)
2010 心戀往事 (Hesher)
2012 壞血:飢餓 (Bad Blood... the Hunger)