麗泰海華絲 (Rita Hayworth,1918 –1987):舞者和電影演員,以極為出色的舞蹈技巧名躁一時。1999年,美國電影學會評選為最偉大的美國女影星第十九位。37年的影劇生涯演出61部電影。20世紀40年代紅極一時的性感偶像,有「愛之女神」(The Love Goddess)之稱。她在《蕩婦姬黛》(Gilda,1946)片中,成功地塑造了一個性感偶像的形象,在當時引來諸多非議。
1935 Cruz Diablo【未列名】
1935 In Caliente (Viva Señorita)
1935 Under the Pampas Moon
1935 Charlie Chan in Egypt
1935 Dante's Inferno
1935 Piernas de seda【未列名】
1935 Hi, Gaucho!【未列名】
1935 Paddy O'Day
1935 Professional Soldier【未列名】
1936 Human Cargo
1936 Dancing Pirate【未列名】
1936 Meet Nero Wolfe
1936 Rebellion (Lady from Frisco)
1937 Old Louisiana (Louisiana Gal)
1937 Hit the Saddle
1937 Trouble in Texas
1937 Criminals of the Air
1937 Girls Can Play
1937 The Game That Kills
1937 Life Begins with Love【未列名】
1937 Paid to Dance (Hard to Hold)
1937 The Shadow
1938 Who Killed Gail Preston?
1938 Special Inspector (Across the Border)
1938 There's Always a Woman【未列名】
1938 Convicted
1938 Juvenile Court
1938 The Renegade Range
1939 Homicide Bureau
1939 The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt
1939 天使之翼 (Only Angels Have Wing)
1940 Music in My Heart
1940 Blondie on a Budget
1940 Susan and God
1940 神秘小姐 (The Lady in Question)
1940 Angels Over Broadway
1941 The Strawberry Blonde
1941 Affectionately Yours
1941 碧血黃沙 (Blood and Sand)
1942 妙女郎 (My Gal Sal)
1942 紐約奇譚 (Tales of Manhattan)
1942 You Were Never Lovelier
1944 封面女郎 (Cover Girl)
1945 夜夜春宵 (Tonight and Every Night)
1946 蕩婦姬黛 (Gilda)
1947 仙女下凡(Down to Earth)
1947 上海小姐 (The Lady from Shanghai)
1948 The Loves of Carmen
1952 Affair in Trinidad
1953 聖血紅顏 (Salome)
1953 Miss Sadie Thompson
1957 天魔女 (Fire down Below)
1957 酒綠花紅 (Pal Joey)
1958 鴛鴦譜 (Separate Tables)
1959 威震群雄 (They Came to Cordura)
1959 The Story on Page One
1961 藝苑鴛鴦賊 (The Happy Thieves)
1965 The Money Trap
1966 Danger Grows Wild
1966 國際特攻戰 (The Poppy Is Also a Flower)
1967 巨船 (L’Avventuriero /The Rover)
1968 The Bastard (I bastardi)
1970 可人兒 (Road to Salina /La route de Salina)
1970 The Naked Zoo