華德畢勤(Walter Pidgeon,1897 – 1984):加拿大演員,1920年代赴好萊塢發展,曾演出近140部影片。兩度獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎提名:《忠勇之家》(Mrs. Miniver,1942)和居禮夫人 (Madame Curie)。
1926 Mannequin
1927 The Gorilla
1928 Clothes Make the Woma
1928 Melody of Love
1929 The Voice Within
1930 Viennese Nights
1931 Kiss Me Again
1932 Rockabye
1933 The Kiss Before the Mirror
1934 Journal of a Crime
1936 Fatal Lady
1967 Girl Overboard
1937 Saratoga
1938 The Girl of the Golden West
1938 The Shopworn Angel
1938 彈性艷侶 (Too Hot to Handle)
1938 Listen, Darling
1939 Society Lawyer
1939 Stronger Than Desire
1940 The House Across the Bay
1940 It's a Date
1940 Dark Command
1940 Phantom Raiders
1940 飛行太保 (Flight Command)
1941 Man Hunt
1941 慈母心 (Blossoms in the Dust)
1941 翡翠谷 (How Green Was My Valley)
1941 Design for Scandal
1942 忠勇之家 (Mrs. Miniver)
1942 蠻荒妖婦 (White Cargo)
1943 The Youngest Profession
1943 居禮夫人 (Madame Curie)
1945 瓊樓風月 (Week-End at the Waldorf)
1946 The Secret Heart
1947 海棠春怨 (Cass Timberlane)【未列名】
1947 If Winter Comes
1949 紅色多瑙河 (The Red Danube)
1949 雲雨巫山枉斷腸 (That Forsyte Woman)
1950 忠勇之家續集 (The Miniver Story)
1951 Soldiers Three
1951 The Unknown Man
1952 碧水美人魚 (Million Dollar Mermaid)
1952 玉女奇男 (The Bad and the Beautiful)
1953 天下父母心 (Scandal at Scourie)
1953 理想美嬌妻 (Dream Wife)
1954 航艦戰鬥夫人號 (Men of the Fighting Lady)
1954 魂斷巴黎 (The Last Time I Saw Paris)
1955 碧海春光 (Hit the Deck)
1956 原子鐵金剛 (Forbidden Planet)
1956 放蕩年華 (These Wilder Years)
1956 叛諜 (The Rack)
1961 衝破輻射塵 (Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea)
1962 華府風雲 (Advise & Consent)
1962 Big Red
1963 I due colonnelli (Two Colonels)
1963 最短的一天 (Il giorno più corto)【未列名】
1963 Anniversary
1967 法網重重 (Warning Shot)
1968 A qualsiasi prezzo (The Vatican Affair)
1968 妙女郎 (Funny Girl)
1972 空中霸王 (Skyjacked)
1973 (The Neptune Factor)
1973 Harry in Your Pocket
1976 兩分鐘警告 (Two-Minute Warning)
1978 Sextette