愛黛璐碧諾 (Ida Lupino,1918–1995) :英美女演員、歌手、導演和製片人。在1950年代,被認為是好萊塢最傑出的女製片人之一。1953年執導The Hitch-Hiker,成為第一位黑色電影的女性導演。48年的影藝生涯中,演出59部電影,並導演了八部電影。還執導了100多集電視節目。
演出的電影 :
1931 The Love Race【未列名】
1932 Her First Affaire
1933 Money for Speed
1934 Come On, Marines!
1935 巴黎之春 (Paris in Spring)
1935 Peter Ibbetson
1936 放蕩的惡漢 (The Gay Desperado)
1936 桃色的海岸 (Anything Goes)
1936 Yours for the Asking
1937 Artists & Models
1939 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
1939 The Light That Failed
1940 蕩婦心 / 卡車鬦士 (They Drive by Night)
1941 夜困摩天嶺 (High Sierra)
1941 海狼突擊隊 (The Sea Wolf)
1941 海灣疑雲 (Out of the Fog)
1941 Ladies in Retirement
1942 Moontide
1942 Life Begins at Eight-Thirty
1943 桃李飄零 (The Hard Way)
1943 一世與一天 (Forever and a Day)
1943 幸運之星 (Thank Your Lucky Stars)
1944 我們的時代 (In Our Time)
1944 好萊塢餐廳 (Hollywood Canteen)
1945 Pillow to Post
1946 簡愛 (Devotion)
1946 The Man I Love
1947 深谷 (Deep Valley)
1947 永不放棄 (Escape Me Never)
1948 夜戰大霧山 (Road House)
1949 Lust for Gold
1950 孤魂淚影 (Woman in Hiding)
1951 危險邊緣 (On Dangerous Ground)
1952 狂國劫後花 (Beware, My Lovely)
1953 鬼屋奇緣 (Jennifer)
1953 The Bigamist
1954 Private Hell
1955 鐵窗紅淚 (Women's Prison)
1955 大刀 (The Big Knife)
1956 夜瀾人未靜 (While the City Sleeps)
1956 Strange Intruder
1972 Deadhead Miles
1972 Junior Bonner
1975 魔鬼雨 (The Devil's Rain)
1976 The Food of the Gods
1978 My Boys Are Good Boys
執導的影片 :
1949 Not Wanted【未列名】
1950 Never Fear
1950 Outrage
1951 Hard, Fast and Beautiful
1951 On Dangerous Ground 【未列名】
1953 The Hitch-Hiker
1953 The Bigamist
1958 Teenage Idol【電視影片】
1966 The Trouble with Angels