珍亞瑟 (Jean Arthur,1900 –1991) :美國百老匯的女演員和1930年代,1940年代和1950年代初期的電影明星。影藝生涯演出近百部影片。以《二房東小姐》(The More the Merrier)獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角獎的提名。她被稱為「典型的喜劇演員」,不過最後一部電影是非喜劇片原野奇俠 (Shane)。
演出的電影 (部分) :
1923 Cameo Kirby
1924 The Iron Horse【未列名】
1925 七次機會 (Seven Chances)【未列名】
1925 The Fighting Smile
1926 The Fighting Cheat
1926 The College Boob
1927 Horse Shoes
1928 Sins of the Fathers
1929 金絲雀殺人事件 (The Canary Murder Case)
1929 傅滿洲陰謀事件 (The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu)
1929 愛她們,離開她們 (The Saturday Night Kid)
1929 Half Way to Heaven
1930 傅滿州歸來 (The Return of Dr. Fu Manchu)
1931 Virtuous Husband
1933 Get That Venu
1934 Whirlpool
1935 The Whole Town's Talking
1935 If You Could Only Cook
1936 富貴浮雲 (Mr. Deeds Goes to Town)
1936 The Ex-Mrs. Bradford
1936 曼哈頓歷險記 (Adventure in Manhattan)
1936 亂世英傑 (The Plainsman)
1936 不僅僅是秘書 (More Than a Secretary)
1937 歷史在夜晚發生 (History Is Made at Night)
1937 簡單生活 (Easy Living)
1938 浮生如夢 (You Can't Take It With You)
1939 英雄情種 / 天使之翼 (Only Angels Have Wing)
1939 民主萬歲 /史密斯到美京 (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington)
1940 亞利桑那 (Arizona)
1941 蓮花仙子 (The Devil and Miss Jones)
1942 慈母淚/小鎮話語(The Talk of the Town)
1943 二房東小姐 (The More the Merrier)
1943 冒險的女人 (A Lady Takes a Chance)
1944 不安分的年代 (The Impatient Years)
1948 柏林艷史 (A Foreign Affair)
1953 原野奇俠 (Shane)