李察威麥(1914–2008)美國電影、電視和舞台演員。從影早期以飾演反派角色為主,首次演出《Kiss of Death》,以反派角色獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角提名及獲得最佳新人金球獎。後來跨足西部片,演出英勇角色。2002年,入選國家牛仔暨西部遺產博物館(National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum)的名人堂。
1947 Kiss of Death
1948 The Street with No Name
1948 金沙鎮 (Yellow Sky)
1949 海上男兒 (Down to the Sea in Ships)
1949 Slattery's Hurricane
1950 黑地獄 (Night and the City)
1950 圍殲街頭 (Panic in the Streets)
1950 無路可走 (No Way Out)
1951 火海浴血戰 (Halls of Montezuma)
1952 火燄山恩仇記 (Red Skies of Montana)
1952 入室佳人 (Don't Bother to Knock)
1953 沙漠征戰記 (Destination Gobi)
1953 陣地爭奪戰 (Take the High Ground)
1954 水深火熱 (Hell and High Water)
1954 斷戈浴血記 (Broken Lance)
1955 瘋狂世界 (The Cobweb)
1956 奔向太陽 (Run for the Sun)
1957 聖女復國記 (Saint Joan)
1957 Time Limit
1958 春色撩人 (The Tunnel of Love)
1958 龍吟虎嘯 (The Law and Jake Wade)
1959 埋伏 (The Trap)
1959 風塵三俠 (Warlock)
1960 邊城英烈傳 (The Alamo)
1961 紐倫堡大審 (Judgment at Nuremberg)
1962 西部開拓史 (How the West Was Won)
1964 長船 (The Long Ships)
1965 冰海殲敵(The Bedford Incident)
1966 俠義鐵騎軍 (Alvarez Kelly)
1967 西部新天地 (The Way West)
1968 緊急通緝令(Madigan)
1969 烈日中天 (Death of a Gunfighter)
1970 The Moonshine War
1972 When The Legends Die
1974 東方快車謀殺案 ( Murder on the Orient Express)
1977 霹靂大刺客 (The Domino Principle)
1977 摩天輪大血案 (Rollercoaster)
1978 8 號房禁地 (Coma)
1978 狂蜂末日 (The Swarm)
1979 熊島壯士血 (Bear Island)
1982 魔鬼奇兵 (Who Dares Wins)
1984 再看我一眼 (Against All Odds)
1991 豪門恩怨 (True Colors)