安東尼昆(Anthony Quinn,1915-2001) 墨西哥裔美國演員、畫家和作家。青年時拳師維生。1936年入電影界,演Night Waitress,未列在演員名單中。50年代以《薩巴達萬歲 / 薩巴達傳》和《梵谷傳》贏得奧斯卡最佳男配角金像獎。以《希臘左巴》和《孽海狂濤》兩度獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎提名。1964年的《阿拉伯的勞倫斯》是他電影生涯巔峰。最後演出的電影是《Avenging Angelo》。
1936 亂世英傑 (The Plainsman)
1936 Night Waitress
1937 瑪德里末次車 (The Last Train from Madrid)
1940 南國之春 (Road to Singapore)
1940 光榮之都 (City for Conquest)
1941 碧血黃沙 (Blood and Sand)
1941 馬革裹屍 (They Died with Their Boots On)
1942 黑天鵝(The Black Swan)
1943 龍城風雲 (The Ox-Bow Incident)
1944 虎將平蠻 (Buffalo Bill)
1945 哥倫布傳 (Where Do We Go from Here)
1945 反攻巴丹島 (Back to Bataan)
1951 鬬牛壯士 (The Brave Bulls)
1952 海宮豔盜 (Against All Flags)
1952 薩巴達傳 (Viva Zapata!)
1952 聲威震九州 (The World in His Arms)
1953 偷戀 (Cavalleria rusticana)
1953 水晶宮寶藏 (City Beneath the Sea)
1953 虎帳戰袍紅(Seminole)
1953 狂吹 (Blowing Wild)
1953 偷戀 (Cavalleria rusticana)
1954 鐵臂煞星 (The Long Wait)
1954 霸王豔后 (Ulysses)
1954 大路 (La Strada)
1954 征服者 (Attila)
1955 沙場壯士情難盡 (The Magnificent Matador)
1955 血洒荒街 (The Naked Street)
1955 情血洒金城 (Seven Cities of Gold)
1956 梵谷傳 (Lust for Life)
1956 鐘樓怪人 (Notre-Dame de Paris)
1957 江湖男女 (The River's Edge)
1958 逆潮 (Hot Spell)
1958 黑蘭花 (The Black Orchid)
1959 風塵三俠 (Warlock)
1959 崗山最後列車 (Last Train from Gun Hill)
1960 粉腿鐵拳 / 江湖嬌娃 (Heller In Pink Tights)
1960 雪海冰上人 (The Savage Innocents)
1961 六壯士 (The Guns of Navarone)
1961 巴拉巴 (Barabbas)
1962 日暮途窮 (Requiem for a Heavyweight)
1962 阿拉伯的勞倫斯 (Lawrence of Arabia)
1964 貴婦怨 (The Visit)
1964 十面埋伏擒狡龍 (Behold a Pale Horse)
1964 希臘左巴 (Zorba the Greek)
1965 海賊大將 (A High Wind in Jamaica)
1966 野戰雄師 (Lost Command)
1967 巨船 (The Rover)
1967 邁阿密傳奇 (The Happening)
1967 逃亡二十五小時 (La Vingt-cinquième Heure / The 25th Hour)
1968 一卒將軍 (Guns for San Sebastia)
1968 漁民的鞋子 (The Shoes of the Fisherman)
1968 奇幻人間 (The Magus)
1969 戰爭大秘密 (The Secret of Santa Vittoria)
1970 春雨行 (A Walk in the Spring Rain)
1970 狂龍勇虎 (The Last Warrior)
1972 110街喋血記 (Across 110th Street)
1973 黑手黨戰爭 (The Don Is Dead)
1976 老千計狀元材 (Bluff storia di truffe e di imbroglioni / The Con Artists)
1976 遺產 (The Inheritance)
1976 The Message (Mohammad, Messenger of God)
1977 英雄淚 (Tigers Don’t Cry / Target of an Assassin)
1978 希臘大亨 (The Greek Tycoon)
1979 魔鬼關卡 (The Passage)
1981 至尊牌:屠龍計劃(The Salamander)
1981 沙漠之獅 (Lion of the Desert)
1981 雜牌敢死隊 (High Risk)
1990 做鬼也風流 (Ghosts Can't Do It)
1990 與狼共枕 (Revenge)
1991 男大當婚 (Only the Lonely)
1991 叢林熱 (Jungle Fever)
1991 四海一家 (Mobsters)
1993 最佳魔鬼英雄 (Last Action Hero)
1994 危險男女 (Somebody to Love)
1995 漫步在雲端 (A Walk in the Clouds)
2001 Avenging Angelo