喬治謝爾曼(George Sherman,1908 –1991)美國電影導演和低成本西部片導演。曾執導120餘部電影片。
1937 Wild Horse Rodeo
1946 豪俠羅賓漢 /羅賓漢之子 (The Bandit of Sherwood Forest)
1947 紅人魂 (Last of the Redmen)
1948 舞衫騎塵 (Black Bart)
1948 Larceny
1948 銀河艷后 (River Lady)
1949 Red Canyon
1949 Sword in the Desert
1950 Comanche Territory
1951 碧血紅羽 (Tomahawk)
1951 鐵騎金軍(The Golden Horde)
1951 The Raging Tide
1952 鋼城火花 (Steel Town)
1952 血戰葫蘆關 (The Battle at Apache Pass)
1952 海宮豔盜 (Against All Flags)
1953 波宮秘史 (The Veils of Bagdad)
1953 War Arrow
1954 智勇鎮邊城 (Border River)
1954 Johnny Dark
1954 拂曉鎗聲 (Dawn at Socorro)
1955 原野藏龍 (Count Three and Pray)
1955 赤血軍魂 (The Treasure of Pancho Villa)
1957 The Hard Man
1958 Ten Days to Tulara
1958 羅賓漢之義子 (Son of Robin Hood)
1959 飛天馬戲團 (The Flying Fontaines)
1960 智鬪黃石崗 (Hell Bent for Leather)
1960 The Enemy General
1960 寶城福星 (The Wizard of Baghdad)
1961 聖潔童心 (For the Love of Mike)
1961 萬里雄心 (The Fiercest Heart)
1964 Panic Button
1964 La nueva Cenicienta
1964 Búsqueme a esa chica
1966 西方遊俠 (Daniel Boone:Frontier Trail Rider)
1966 西部佬 (Smoky)
1971 大俠客 (Big Jake)