瑪琳奧哈拉(Maureen O'Hara 1920–):是愛爾蘭裔的美國電影女演員和歌手。有火紅的頭髮,在40和50年代好萊塢擔任影片主角。1938年在倫敦初登影壇。翌年赴好萊塢,擔任《鐘樓怪人》女主角。1941年演出《青山翠谷》,成為明星。她常與導演約翰福特(John Ford)和演員約翰韋恩(John Wayne)合作。她是好萊塢黃金時代碩果僅存的女演員之一。
1938 Kicking the Moon Around
1938 My Irish Molly
1939 牙買加客棧 (Jamaica Inn)
1939 鐘樓怪人 (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
1940 A Bill of Divorcement
1940 Dance, Girl, Dance
1941 They Met in Argentina
1941 翡翠谷 (How Green was My Valley)
1942 七海雄風 (To the Shores of Tripoli)
1942 Ten Gentlemen from West Point
1942 黑天鵝 (The Black Swan)
1943 Immortal Sergeant
1943 吾土吾民 (This Land Is Mine)
1943 The Fallen Sparrow
1944 虎將平蠻 (Buffalo Bill)
1946 一縷芳魂 (Sentimental Journey)
1946 你愛我嗎 (Do You Love Me)
1947 The Homestretch
1947 34街的奇蹟 (Miracle on 34th Street)
1947 朱門怨 (The Foxes of Harrow)
1948 妙人奇遇 (Sitting Pretty)
1949 A Woman's Secret
1949 斷腸曲 (The Forbidden Street / Britannia Mews)
1949 Father was a Fullback
1949 巴城艷盜 (Bagdad)
1950 Comanche Territory
1950 跨海東征 (Tripoli)
1950 邊疆鐵騎軍 (Rio Grande)
1951 Flame of Araby
1952 三劍俠之子 (Sons of the Musketeers)
1952 Kangaroo
1952 海宮豔盜 (Against All Flags)
1953 The Redhead from Wyoming
1953 War Arrow
1954 Malaga (Fire Over Africa)
1955 西點軍魂 (The Long Gray Line)
1955 沙場壯士情難盡 (The Magnificent Matador)
1955 Lady Godiva of Coventry
1956 里斯本 (Lisbon)
1956 小市長 (Everything But the Truth)
1957 碧血濺長空 (The Wings of Eagles)
1959 諜海群龍 (Our Man in Havana)
1961 鐵漢與寡婦 (The Deadly Companions)
1962 渡假留香 (Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation)
1963 馴妻記 (McLintock!)
1965 紅杏出牆 (The Battle of the Villa Fiorita)
1970 How Do I Love Thee?
1971 (Big Jake)
1991 男大當婚 (Only the Lonely)