埃洛弗林 (Errol Flynn,1909 –1959):出生於澳大利亞。1933年在影片《In the Wake of the Bounty 》的出色表現,進入好萊塢。1935年,以《鐵血隊長》一炮而紅,成為二十世紀三、四十年代好萊塢紅極一時的男星。因好酒貪杯的放縱生活及不斷的訴訟案,至40年代後期,聲譽漸漸下降,最終為觀眾所摒棄。1959年10月死於心髒病。
1933 In the Wake of the Bounty
1933 I Adore You
1935 Murder at Monte Carlo
1935 The Case of the Curious Bride
1935 Don't Bet on Blondes
1935 四海豪傑 / 鐵血隊長 (Captain Blood)
1936 英烈傳 (The Charge of the Light Brigade)
1937 The Green Light
1937 乞丐王子 (The Prince and the Pauper)
1937 Another Dawn
1937 The Perfect Specimen
1938 俠盜羅賓漢 (The Adventures of Robin Hood)
1938 攜手結婚 (Four's a Crowd)
1938 姐妹俩 (The Sisters)
1938 The Dawn Patrol
1939 熱血男兒 (Dodge City)
1939 江山美人 (The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex)
1940 Virginia City
1940 海上霸王 (The Sea Hawk)
1940 聖非小路 (Santa Fe Trail)
1941 俯衝轟炸機 (Dive Bomber)
1941 馬革裹屍 (They Died with Their Boots On)
1942 粉面金剛 (Gentleman Jim)
1943 北奔 (Northern Pursuit)
1945 單刀赴會 (San Antonio)
1945 白頭偕老 (Never Say Goodbye)
1947 疑神疑鬼 (Cry Wolf)
1947 永不放棄 (Escape Me Never)
1948 銀城豪俠傳 (Silver River)
1948 劍俠唐璜 (Adventures of Don Juan)
1948 斷腸雲雨 (Blanche Fury)
1949 銀河彩鳳 (It's a Great Feeling)【未列名】
1949 雲雨巫山枉斷腸 (That Forsyte Woman)
1950 蒙城鐵騎 (Montana)
1950 八虎將 (Rocky Mountain)
1950 印地戰笳聲 (Kim)
1951 Hello God
1951 豔婢蛇心 (Adventures of Captain Fabian)
1952 Mara Maru
1952 海宮豔盜 (Against All Flags)
1953 劍底游龍 (The Master of Ballantrae)
1954 The Story of William Tell
1955 Lilacs in the Spring
1955 King's Rhapsody
1957 伊斯坦堡 (Istanbul)
1957 古堡追逐戰 (The Big Boodle)
1957 妾似朝陽又照君 (The Sun Also Rises)
1958 醉鄉情淚 (Too Much, Too Soon)
1958 荒漠天堂 (The Roots of Heaven)