
        泰倫鮑華 (Tyrone Power)        Tyrone Power -2        Tyrone Power -3

        Tyrone Power -4                Tyrone Power -5                Tyrone Power -6

泰倫鮑華 (Tyrone Power1914–1958):美國電影和舞台劇演員。從1930年代至1950年代,共演出48部電影長片。為人熟知的影片有The Mark of Zorro》、《碧血黃沙》、《黑天鵝》、《長勝將軍》、《狐狸王子》、《黑玫瑰》和《情婦》等。1950年代,將演出重心轉向舞台。1958年,拍攝《所羅門王》(Solomon and Sheba)時,心臟病發作去世。


1932 鐵血軍校 (Tom Brown of Culver)

1934 Flirtation Walk【未列名】

1936 Girls' Dormitory

1936 Ladies in Love

1936 Lloyd's of London

1937 Love Is News

1937 Café Metropole

1937 薄冰 (Thin Ice)

1937 二度蜜月 (Second Honeymoon)

1937 芝加哥大火記 (In Old Chicago)

1938 娛樂昇平 (Alexander's Ragtime Band)

1938 瑪麗安東妮 (Marie Antoinette)

1938 蘇伊士運河 (Suez)

1939 蕩寇誌 (Jesse James)

1939 Rose of Washington Square

1939 Second Fiddle

1939 暴雨寒梅 (The Rains Came)

1939 Day-Time Wife

1940 Johnny Apollo

1940 摩門主教 (Brigham Young)

1940 寶劍留痕 (The Mark of Zorro) 

1941 碧血黃沙 (Blood and Sand)

1941 威震九霄 (A Yank in the R.A.F.)

1942 怒火情焰 (Son of Fury: The Story of Benjamin Blake)

1942 卿何薄命 (This Above All)

1943 黑天鵝 (The Black Swan)

1943 七海雄師 (Crash Dive) 

1946 剃刀邊緣 (The Razor's Edge)

1947 玉面情魔 (Nightmare Alley)

1947 長勝將軍 (Captain from Castile) 

1948 The Luck of the Irish

1948 That Wonderful Urge

1949 狐狸王子 (Prince of Foxes)

1950 黑玫瑰 (The Black Rose)

1950 還我河山 (American Guerrilla in the Philippines)

1951 浴血邊城 (Rawhide)

1951 萬古留情 (The House in the Square)

1952 諜影雄風 (Diplomatic Courier)

1952 百勝鐵騎兵 (Pony Soldier)

1953 長勝英豪 (The Mississippi Gambler) 

1953 荒漠奇襲戰 / 地情天 (King of the Khyber Rifles)

1955 西點軍魂 (The Long Gray Line) 

1955 無情荒地有情天 (Untamed)

1956 琴韻補情天 (The Eddy Duchin Story)

1957 萬劫餘生 (Abandon Ship! / Seven Waves Away)

1957 妾似朝陽又照君 (The Sun Also Rises) 

1957 情婦 (Witness of the Prosection) 

    泰倫鮑華 (Tyrone Power)
    創作者 佳銘的管窺與管見 的頭像


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