却爾斯維多 (Charles Vidor,1900 –1959):猶太裔美籍導演,執導工作始於默片時代末期。執導的《封面女郎》、《一曲難忘》、《巧婦姬黛》、《胭脂虎》、《琵琶怨》、《天鵝公主》、《啼笑淚痕》以及《戰地春夢》等是為人熟知的影片。《一曲相思未了情》是遺作,未完成部分由喬治寇克(George Cukor)接替。
1929 The Bridge
1932 The Mask of Fu Manchu【未列名】
1933 Sensation Hunters
1934 Double Door
1935 Strangers All
1935 The Arizonian
1935 His Family Tree
1936 Muss 'em Up
1936 Sinister House
1937 A Doctor's Diary
1937 The Great Gambini
1937 She's No Lady
1939 Romance of the Redwoods
1939 Blind Alley
1939 The Gates of Alcatraz
1940 My Son, My Son!
1940 The Lady in Question
1941 退休女士 (Ladies in Retirement)
1941 New York Town
1942 The Tuttles of Tahiti
1943 無賴漢 (The Desperadoes)
1944 封面女郎 (Cover Girl)
1944 Together Again
1945 一曲難忘 (A Song to Remember)
1945 Over 21
1946 巧婦姬黛 (Gilda)
1948 胭脂虎 (The Loves of Carmen)
1951 It's a Big Country
1952 安徒生傳 (Hans Christian Andersen)
1952 晴天霹靂 (Thunder in the East)
1954 狂想曲 (Rhapsody)
1955 琵琶怨 (Love Me or Leave Me)
1956 天鵝公主 (The Swan)