米高戈登 (Michael Gordon,1909 –1993):美國舞台劇演員、舞台劇和電影導演。在麥卡錫主義的日子,被列入共產黨員黑名單,他被迫停止電影導演。1950年代末,應製片人Ross Hunter之邀,返好萊塢執導《枕邊細語》。
1942 Boston Blackie Goes Hollywood
1943 Crime Doctor
1947 The Web
1948 家 (Another Part of the Forest)
1948 An Act of Murder
1949 The Lady Gambles
1949 痴鳳求凰 (Once More, My Darling)
1950 風流劍俠 (Cyrano de Bergerac)
1951 I Can Get It for You Wholesale
1951 The Secret of Convict Lake
1951 Wherever She Goes
1959 枕邊細語 (Pillow Talk)
1963 移情別戀 (Move Over, Darling)
1964 才子佳人 (A Very Special Favor )
1966 德州龍虎鳳 (Texas Across The River)
1970 How Do I Love Thee?