安東尼亞斯奎斯 (Anthony Asquith,1902 –1968):英國導演,作品多以刻劃人性和道德。《一代情侶》是代表作。
1927 流星 (Shooting Stars)
1931 告訴英倫 (Tell England)
1932 美女與舞蹈 (Dance Pretty Lady)
1935 莫斯科之夜 (Moscow Nights)
1938 賣花女 (Pygmalion)
1940 沒有眼淚的法國人 (French Without Tears)
1943 The Demi-Paradise (Adventure for Two)
1944 芬孃 (Fanny by Gaslight / Man of Evil)
1945 往星球之路 (The Way to the Stars)
1948 The Winslow Boy
1951 The Browning Version
1952 The Importance of Being Earnest
1953 噴射機M7號
1954 偷渡愛情海 (The Young Lovers)
1955 Carrington V.C.
1956 On Such a Night
1958 Orders to Kill
1958 The Doctor's Dilemma
1959 陣陣疑雲 (Libel)
1960 奪婿記 (The Millionairess)
1961 Two Living, One Dead
1963 一代情侶 (The V.I.P.s)