亨利金(Henry King,1886 –1982) 美國電影導演。1915年初次執導筒,成為1920和30年代商業上最成功的好萊塢導演之一。《聖女之歌》和《威爾遜總統傳》,兩次被提名奧斯卡最佳導演獎。1944年,以《聖女之歌》獲得首屆金球獎最佳導演獎。職業生涯,執導超過100部電影。
1916 Little Mary Sunshine
1917 The Mate of the Sally Ann
1918 Powers That Prey
1918 Social Briars
1919 Where the West Begins
1920 One Hour Before Dawn
1921 孝女復仇記 (Tol'able David)1922 The Seventh Day
1923 怒火 (Fury)
1923 空門遺恨 (The White Sister)
1924 Romola
1925 Stella Dallas
1926 荒塞驚鴻 (The Winning of Barbara Worth)
1926 Partners Again
1927 情魔 (The Magic Flame)
1928 The Woman Disputed
1930 Hell Harbor
1930 Lightnin'
1931 Merely Mary Ann
1934 Marie Galante
1935 One More Spring
1935 Way Down East
1936 The Country Doctor
1936 Ramona
1936 Lloyd's of London
1937 Seventh Heaven
1937 芝加哥大火記 (In Old Chicago)
1938 娛樂昇平 (Alexander's Ragtime Band)
1939 蕩寇誌 (Jesse James)
1939 Stanley and Livingstone
1940 Little Old New York
1940 Maryland
1940 Chad Hanna
1941 威震九霄 (A Yank in the R.A.F.)
1941 Remember the Day
1942 黑天鵝 (The Black Swan)
1943 聖女之歌 (The Song of Bernadette)
1944 威爾遜總統傳 (Wilson)
1945 A Bell for Adano
1946 Margie
1947 長勝將軍 (Captain from Castile)
1948 深水 (Deep Waters)
1949 晴空血戰史 (Twelve O'Clock High)
1950 槍手(The Gunfighter)
1951 桃源春暖 (I'd Climb the Highest Mountain)
1951 霸王奪姬 (David and Bathsheba)
1952 雪山盟 (The Snows of Kilimanjaro)
1952 錦繡人生 (Full House)
1953 荒漠奇襲戰 / 戰地情天 (King of the Khyber Rifles)
1955 無情荒地有情天 (Untamed)
1955 生死戀 (Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing)
1956 天上人間 (Carousel)
1957 妾似朝陽又照君 (The Sun Also Rises)
1958 殲虎屠龍 (The Bravados)