米高卡柯楊尼斯 (Michael Cacoyannis,1921 –2011):塞浦路斯電影製作人,最出名的作品是《希臘左巴》。《希臘左巴》獲得奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳導演,最佳改編劇本獎提名。《Electra》和《Iphigenia》獲得奧斯卡最佳外語片獎提名。
1954 Kyriakatiko xypnima (Windfall in Athens)
1955 Stella
1956 To koritsi me ta mavra (The Girl in Black)
1957 To telefteo psemma (A Matter of Dignity)
1960 Eroica (Our Last Spring)
1961 Il Relitto (The Wastrel)
1962 Electra
1964 希臘左巴 (Zorba the Greek)
1967 蓬島奇譚 (The Day the Fish Came Out)
1971 特洛伊一千個女人 (The Trojan Women)
1974 The Story of Jacob and Joseph
1975 Attilas '74 【記錄片】
1977 Iphigenia
1986 Glykeia patrida (Sweet Country)
1993 Pano kato ke plagios (Up, Down and Sideways)
1999 The Cherry Orchard