喬治甘迺迪(George Kennedy,1925–2016):美國電影和電視演員,演出超過200部電影和電視影片。演《鐵窗喋血》(Cool Hand Luke,1967)贏得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎。後期擔綱的影片,大都評價不高。
演出的影片 (部分):
1960 萬夫莫敵(Spartacus) 【未列名】
1961 The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come
1962 千里走單騎 (Lonely Are the Brave)
1962 沉默的證人 (The Silent Witness)
1963 he Man from the Diners' Club
1963 謎中謎 (Charade)
1964 McHale's Navy
1964 Island of the Blue Dolphins
1964 甜蜜的夏綠蒂 (Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte)
1965 海上長城 (In Harm's Way)
1965 諜網迷離 (Mirage)
1965 聖拿河之戰 (Shenandoah)
1965 一門四虎 (The Sons of Katie Elder)
1965 鳳凰劫 (The Flight of the Phoenix)
1967 牧女戰牛郎 (The Ballad of Josie)
1967 田野淚 (Hurry Sundown)
1967 鐵窗喋血(Cool Hand Luke)
1968 畢氏二虎 (Bandolero!)
1968 The Legend of Lylah Clare
1968 勾魂手 (The Boston Strangler)
1969 荒野七鏢客 (Guns of the Magnificent Seven)
1969 俠盜双雄 (The Good Guys and the Bad Guys)
1969 艶窟大掃蕩 (Gaily, Gaily)
1970 ..tick... tick... tick...1970
1970 國際機場 (Airport)
1973 失去的地平線 (Lost Horizon)
1973 美國警官 (Cahill U.S. Marshal)
1974 沖天炮與飛毛腿 (Thunderbolt and Lightfoot)
1974 九霄驚魂 (Airport 1975)
1974 大地震 (Earthquake)
1975 勇闖雷霆峰 (The Eiger Sanction)
1975 The 'Human' Factor
1977 航爆死亡角 (Airport' 77)
1977 人證 (Ningen no shômei)
1978 尼羅河上的慘案 (Death on the Nile)
1978 目標大作戰 (Brass Target)
1979 The Double McGuffin
1979 驚爆九重天 (The Concorde ... Airport '79)
1980 幽靈船 (Death Ship)
1981 拂曉之前 (Just Before Dawn)
1984 火車快飛 (Chattanooga Choo Choo)
1984 波麗露 (Bolero
1986 突擊金三角 (The Delta Force)
1987 鬼作秀2 (Creepshow 2)
1988 笑彈龍虎榜 (The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!)
1989 魔由心生 (The Terror Within)
1989 復仇紀事 (Ministry of Vengeance)
1990 是誰讓我腦死 (Brain Dead)
1991 暴雨悍將 (Hangfire)
1991 站在子彈上的男人 (The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear)
1992 Distant Justice
1994 脫線總動員 (Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult)
1997 Bayou Ghost
2003 我要飛上天 (View from the Top)
2005 三個劫匪 (Three Bad Men)
2005 別來敲門 (Don't Come Knocking)
2008 The Man Who Came Back
2010 Mad Mad Wagon Party
2011 非典型家庭 (Another Happy Day)
2014 玩命賭徒 (III The Gambler)