弗雷德里克德科爾多瓦 (Frederick de Cordova,1910 – 2001) 美國舞台、電影和電視的導致和製作人。最為人知的是製作﹝ The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson﹞。
1945 Too Young to Know
1946 Her Kind of Man
1947 That Way with Women
1947 Love and Learn
1947 Always Together
1948 Wallflower
1948 For the Love of Mary
1948 The Countess of Monte Cristo
1949 Illegal Entry
1949 妖姬傾城 (The Gal Who Took the West)
1950 Peggy
1951 Katie Did It
1951 Bedtime for Bonzo 1951
1951 Little Egypt
1952 Finders Keepers
1952 Here Come the Nelsons
1952 Bonzo Goes to College
1953 Column South
1965 I'll Take Sweden
1966 畫舫情歌 (Frankie and Johnny)