唐泰勒 (Don Taylor,1920 – 1998):美國演員和導演。曾演出近60部和執導近百部影片。
1943 The Human Comedy【未列名】
1943 Salute to the Marines【未列名】
1943 Swing Shift Maisie【未列名】
1943 萬眾歡騰 (Thousands Cheer)【未列名】
1943 Girl Crazy【未列名】
1944 空間勝利 (Winged Victory)
1947 Song of the Thin Man
1948 不夜城 (The Naked City)
1948 For the Love of Mary
1949 西線平魔 (Battleground)
1950 Ambush
1950 美豔親王 (Father of the Bride)
1951 Target Unknown
1951 玉女弄璋 (Father's Little Dividend)
1951 陸海空大進攻 (Flying Leathernecks)
1951 青紗紅淚 (The Blue Veil)
1951 Submarine Command
1952 日本戰時新娘 (Japanese War Bride)
1952 沙漠征戰記 (Destination Gobi)
1953 The Girls of Pleasure Island
1953 戰地軍魂 (Stalag 17)
1954 Johnny Dark
1954 The Men of Sherwood Forest
1955 傷心淚盡話當年 (I’ll Cry Tomorrow)
1956 百戰敢死隊 (The Bold and the Brave)
1956 Ride the High Iron
1957 Love Slaves of the Amazons
1962 Tierra brutal (The Savage Guns)
1969 五巨頭 (The Five Man Army)【未列名】
1961 Everything's Ducky
1964 飛龍迎春 (Ride the Wild Surf)
1967 Jack of Diamonds
1971 Escape from the Planet of the Apes
1973 湯姆歷險記 (Tom Sawyer)
1976 夏日迥聲 (Echoes of a Summer)
1976 The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday
1977 衝出人魔島 (The Island of Dr. Moreau)
1978 天劫(Damien: Omen II)
1980 碧血長天 (The Final Countdown)