大衛尼文(David Niven,1910 –1983) 是英國演員和小說家,在歐洲和美國是受歡迎的演員。演出《鴛鴦譜》,獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎。演出近百部影片和許多電視節目。
1932 There Goes the Bride
1933 Eyes of Fate
1934 Cleopatra
1935 Without Regret
1935 Barbary Coast
1935 A Feather in Her Hat
1935 Splendor
1935 叛艦喋血記 (Mutiny on the Bounty)【未列名】
1936 Rose-Marie
1936 Palm Springs
1936 孔雀夫人 (Dodsworth)
1936 Screen Snapshots Series 16, No. 4
1936 Thank You, Jeeves!
1936 英烈傳 (The Charge of the Light Brigade)
1936 革命情侶 (Beloved Enemy)
1937 We Have Our Moments
1937 The Prisoner of Zenda
1937 Dinner at the Ritz
1938 Bluebeard's Eighth Wife
1938 四傑傳 (Four Men and a Prayer)
1938 釣金龜 (Three Blind Mice)
1938 The Dawn Patrol
1939 魂歸離恨天/ 咆哮山莊(Wuthering Heights)
1939 Bachelor Mother
1939 The Real Glory
1939 心上人 (Eternally Yours)
1939 風流賊 (Raffles)
1942 The First of the Few
1944 最後突擊 (The Way Ahead)
1946 太虛幻境 (A Matter of Life and Death)
1946 Magnificent Doll
1947 The Perfect Marriage
1947 雪山倩魂 (The Other Love)
1947 仁慈天使 (The Bishop's Wife)
1948 Bonnie Prince Charlie
1948 海誓山盟 (Enchantment)
1949 A Kiss in the Dark
1949 A Kiss for Corliss
1950 新紅花俠 (The Elusive Pimpernel)
1950 彩鳳朝陽 (The Toast of New Orleans)
1951 Soldiers Three
1951 Appointment with Venus
1952 The Lady Says No
1954 The Love Lottery
1954 Happy Ever After
1955 Carrington V.C.
1956 The Birds and the Bees
1956 絲襪風波 (The Silken Affair)
1956 環遊世界八十天 (Around the World in 80 Days)
1957 Oh, Men! Oh, Women!
1957 小茅屋 (The Little Hut)
1959 鳳求凰 (Ask Any Girl)
1960 喬遷之喜 (Please Don't Eat the Daisies)
1961 六壯士 (The Guns of Navarone)
1962 最短的一日(The Shortest Day)
1962 La città prigioniera (Conquered City)
1962 最佳敵人 (The Best of Enemies)
1962 春滿香港 (The Road to Hong Kong)【未列名】
1963 北京 55 天 (55 Days at Peking)
1964 風流客 (Bedtime Story)
1965 諜追諜 (Where the Spies Are)
1965 蘭黛夫人 (Lady L)
1967 All Eyes on Sharon Tate
1968 錯中錯 (Prudence and the Pill)
1968 The Impossible Years
1969 超級船長 (The Extraordinary Seaman)
1969 大頭腦 (Le Cerveau)
1969 Before Winter Comes
1971 The Statue
1972 King, Queen, Knave
1974 The Canterville Ghost
1974 Vampira
1975 紙老虎 (Paper Tiger)
1975 The Remarkable Rocket
1976 財神爺 (No Deposit, No Return)
1976 怪宴 (Murder by Death)
1977 古堡風雲 (Candleshoe)
1978 Speed Fever
1978 尼羅河上謀殺案 (Death on the Nile)
1979 A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
1979 雅典大突擊 (Escape to Athena)
1980 超級大老千 (Rough Cut)
1980 海狼突擊隊 (The Sea Wolves)
1982 遲到總比不到好 (Better Late Than Never)
1982 粉紅豹再度出擊 (Trail of the Pink Panther)
1983 傻龍登天 (Curse of the Pink Panther)