瑪莎海雅 (Martha Hyer 1924 –) 美國電影演員。她的第一部影片是《The Locket》,在1950年代,被認為是葛麗絲凱莉(Grace Kelly)的接班人。1957年被評為該年十大“明日之星”之一。演《魂斷情天》獲得奧斯卡最佳女配角獎提名。演出107部影片,最後的作品是《Day of the Wolves》(1971)。
演出的影片 (部份):
1946 The Locket (uncredited)
1947 Thunder Mountain
1948 Gun Smugglers
1949 Rustlers
1949 峻嶺長春 (Roughshod)
1949 The Clay Pigeon
1950 Outcasts of Black Mesa
1950 The Lawless
1950 Frisco Tornado
1950 The Kangaroo Kid
1951 Oriental Evil
1952 Yukon Gold
1953 寧馨兒 (So Big)
1953 兩傻飛渡海神星 (Abbott and Costello Go to Mars)
1954 Riders to the Stars
1954 The Scarlet Spear
1954 落鳩河之戰 (The Battle of Rogue River)
1954 龍鳳配 (Sabrina)
1954 Wyoming Renegades
1954 瑤池鳳舞 (Lucky Me)
1955 Francis in the Navy
1956 Showdown at Abilene
1956 The Delicate Delinquent
1956 Red Sundown
1957 Mister Cory
1957 凱莉與我 (Kelly and Me)
1957 萬能警官 (The Delicate Delinquent)
1958 水上人家 (Houseboat)
1959 冷暖群芳 (The Best of Everything)
1960 冰雪盟 (Ice Palace)
1960 暹宮大神秘 (Die Herrin der Welt)
1961 The Last Time I Saw Archie
1962 櫻都一美人 (A Girl Named Tamiko)
1963 The Man from the Diners' Club
1964 Pyro (The Thing Without a Face)
1964 月球第一人 (First Men in the Moon)
1964 Bikini Beach
1964 血箭大決鬥 (Blood on the Arrow)
1965 一門四虎 (The Sons of Katie Elder)
1965 Due marines e un generale
1966 凱達警長 (The Chase)
1966 熊山血仇 (The Night of the Grizzly)
1966 Cuernavaca en primavera
1966 Picture Mommy Dead
1967 House of 1,000 Dolls
1967 邁阿密傳奇(The Happening)
1967 La mujer de otro
1967 Some May Live
1968 Catch As Catch Can (Lo scatenato)
1969 蛇蝎美人心 (Once You Kiss a Stranger)
1969 七海遊俠破諜網 (Crossplot)
1971 Day of the Wolves