金凱利(Gene Kelly,1912 –1996):美國電影舞者、演員、歌手、導演與製作人。是美國電影史上相當重要的一位演員。曾主演46部電影,為人熟知的有《花都舞影》、《翠鳳艶曲》、萬花嬉春 (Singin' in the Rain)等。曾執導15部電影,《我愛紅娘》獲奧斯卡最佳影片獎提名。
1942 For Me and My Gal
1943 Du Barry Was a Lady
1943 Pilot #5
1943 萬眾歡騰(Thousands Cheer)
1943 抗戰萬歲 (The Cross of Lorraine)
1944 封面女郎 (Cover Girl)
1944 聖誕假期 (Christmas Holiday)
1945 魔宮寶盒 (Ziegfeld Follies)
1947 Living in a Big Way
1948 風流海盜 (The Pirate)
1948 新三劍客 (The Three Musketeers)
1948 Words and Music
1949 出水黃鶯 (Take Me Out to the Ball Game)
1949 錦城春色 (On the Town)
1950 Black Hand
1950 萬花錦繡 (Summer Stock)
1951 花都舞影 (An American in Paris)
1951 It's a Big Country: An American Anthology
1952 萬花嬉春 (Singin' in the Rain)
1952 The Devil Makes Three
1954 海角爭雄 (Crest of the Wave)
1954 蓬島仙舞 (Brigadoon)
1955 美景良辰 (It's Always Fair Weather)
1956 心聲幻影 (Invitation to the Dance)
1957 一路福星 (The Happy Road)
1957 美女霓裳 (Les Girls)
1958 有女懷春 (Marjorie Morningstar)
1960 天下父母心 (Inherit the Wind)
1964 傻女十八嫁 (What a Way to Go!)
1967 柳媚花嬌(Les Demoiselles De Rochefort / The Young Girls of Rochefort)
1973 女人40一枝花 (40 Carats)
1977 Viva Knievel!
1980 仙納杜的狂熱 (Xanadu)
1949 錦城春色 (On the Town)
1952 萬花嬉春 (Singin' in the Rain)
1955 美景良辰 (It's Always Fair Weather)
1956 心聲幻影 (Invitation to the Dance)
1957 一路福星 (The Happy Road)
1958 春色撩人 (The Tunnel of Love)
1962 冷暖心聲冷暖情 (Gigot)
1967 風月寶鑑 (A Guide for the Married Man)
1969 我愛紅娘 (Hello, Dolly!)
1970 霹靂雙虎將 (TheCheyenne Social Club)