霍斯勃奇荷 (Horst Buchholz,1933 – 2003):德國演員。在德國外最為人熟悉的演出是豪勇七蛟龍 (The Magnificent Seven) 、春江花月夜 (Fanny)和一二三 (One, Two, Three)等。從1951 至 2002年演出60餘部電影片。年輕時,曾被稱為德國的詹姆斯狄恩 (James Dean) 。
1952 Die Spur führt nach Berlin (Adventure in Berlin)【未列名】
1955 瑪麗鞍的青春 (Marianne de ma jeunesse / Marianne of My Youth)
1955 雨夜槍聲 (Himmel ohne Sterne / Sky Without Stars)
1956 Regine
1957 Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull (Confessions of Felix Krull)
1957 鴛鴦夢 (Monpti)
1958 Nasser Asphalt (Wet Asphalt)
1958 復活 (Auferstehung)
1959 猛虎潭 (Tiger Bay)
1959 死船 (Das Totenschiff)
1960 豪勇七蛟龍 (The Magnificent Seven)
1961 春江花月夜 (Fanny)
1963 拉瑪九小時 (Nine Hours to Rama)
1963 La noia (The Empty Canvas)
1965 La fabuleuse aventure de Marco Polo (Marco the Magnificent)
1965 諜王鐵金剛 (That Man in Istanbul)
1967 Johnny Banco
1967 大海戰 (Cervantes)
1968 L'astragale (Astragal)
1969 Come, quando, perché (How, When and with Whom)
1970 突襲!(La colomba non deve volare / The Dove Must Not Fly)
1971 Le sauveur (The Savior)
1972 新翠堤春曉 (The Great Waltz)
1973 ..aber Jonny! (...But Johnny!)
1974 Pittsville - Ein Safe voll Blut (The Catamount Killing
1977 Frauenstation (Women in Hospital)
1979 魔鬼特攻隊 (From Hell to Victory)
1979 大突破 (Avalanche Express)
1983 撒哈拉 (Sahara)
1984 Wenn ich mich fürchte
1985 Code Name: Emerald
1988 And the Violins Stopped Playing
1990 Fuga dal paradiso (Flight from Paradise)
1992 鐵鷹III之鷹掠戰士 (Aces: Iron Eagle III)
1993 In weiter Ferne, so nah! (Faraway, So Close!)
1997 美麗人生 (La vita è bell /Life Is Beautiful)
2000 Heller als der Mond
2001 The Enemy
2002 Detective Lovelorn und die Rache des Pharao