
         道格拉斯塞克 (Douglas Sirk)            Douglas Sirk -2            Douglas Sirk -3

道格拉斯塞克(Douglas Sirk1897 – 1987):德國電影導演,為人熟知的作品主要是在好萊塢拍的通俗劇。


1935  April, April!

1935  Das Mädchen vom Moorhof  (The Girl from the Marsh Croft)

1935  Stützen der Gesellschaft  (Pillars of Society)

1936  't was een april

1936  Schlußakkord (Final Accord)

1936  Das Hofkonzert

1937  La chanson du souvenir

1937  Zu neuen Ufern (To New Shores)

1937  La Habanera

1938  Accord final 【未列名】

1939  Wilton's Zoo

1943  Hitler's Madman

1944  Summer Storm

1946  A Scandal in Paris

1946  The Strange Woman 【未列名】

1947  Lured

1948  Sleep, My Love

1949  Shockproof

1949  Slightly French

1950  神秘潛水艇 (Mystery Submarine)

1951  The First Legion

1951  野寺情鴛 (Thunder on the Hill)

1951  天妒紅顏 (The Lady Pays Off)

1951  癡兒女 (Week-End with Father)

1952  No Room for the Groom

1952  Has Anybody Seen My Gal

1953  Meet Me at the Fair

1953  亡命嬌娃 (Take Me to Town)

1953  All I Desire

1954  高器之子 (Taza, Son of Cochise)

1954  地老天荒不了情 (Magnificent Obsession)

1954  古羅馬之戰 (Sign of the Pagan)

1955  愛爾蘭英雄傳 (Captain Lightfoot)

1955  There's Always Tomorrow

1955  深鎖春光一院愁 (All That Heaven Allows)

1956  天長地久永不離 (Never Say Goodbye)【未列名】

1956  苦雨戀春風 (Written on the Wind)

1957  沙場壯士赤子心 (Battle Hymn)

1957  斷腸弦聲 (Interlude / Forbidden Interlude)

1957  碧海青天夜夜心 (The Tarnished Angels)

1958  戰地情鴛 (A Time to Love and a Time to Die)

1959  春風秋雨(Imitation of Life)

    道格拉斯塞克 (Douglas Sirk)
    創作者 佳銘的管窺與管見 的頭像


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