羅納考爾門 (Ronald Colman,1891 –1958):英國演員,是活躍於1930和1940年代的巨星。演出60餘部影片,四度提名競逐奧斯卡最佳男主角獎,以《死吻》 (A Double Life,1947)獲獎。
1917 The Live Wire【短片】
1919 Snow in the Desert
1920 A Son of David
1921 Handcuffs or Kisses
1923 空門遺恨 (The White Sister)
1924 Her Night of Romance
1924 露瑪蘭 (Romola)
1925 The Sporting Venus
1925 Her Sister from Paris
1925 The Dark Angel
1925 胭脂淚 (Stella Dallas)
1925 少奶奶的扇子 (Lady Windermere's Fan)
1926 歌女懷春 (Kiki)
1926 萬世流芳 (Beau Geste)
1926 荒塞驚鴻 (The Winning of Barbara Worth)
1927 The Night of Love
1927 情魔 (The Magic Flame)
1928 Two Lovers
1929 The Rescue
1929 情俠 (Bulldog Drummond)【提名奧斯卡最佳男主角獎】
1929 Condemned!【提名奧斯卡最佳男主角獎】
1930 Raffles
1930 The Devil to Pay!
1931 情醫 (Arrowsmith)
1932 Cynara
1933 情幻 (The Masquerader)
1934 Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back
1935 兒女英雄 (Clive of India)
1935 賭城風流史 (The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo)
1935 雙城記 (A Tale of Two Cities)
1936 紅粉金戈 (Under Two Flags)
1937 西藏桃源 (Lost Horizon)
1937 盧宮秘史 / 羅宫秘史 (The Prisoner of Zenda)
1938 我若為王 (If I Were King)
1939 The Light That Failed
1940 才子佳人 (Lucky Partners)
1941 My Life with Caroline
1942 慈母淚 / 小鎮話語 (The Talk of the Town)
1942 鴛夢重溫 (Random Harvest)【提名奧斯卡最佳男主角獎】
1944 富貴榮華/平地青雲 (Kismet)
1947 波士頓故事 (The Late George Apley)
1947 死吻 (A Double Life)【獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎】
1950 Champagne for Caesar
1956 環遊世界八十天 (Around the World in 80 Days)
1957 人類的故事 (The Story of Mankind)