
        雷蒙馬西 (Raymond Massey)           Raymond Massey -2           Raymond Massey -3

雷蒙馬西 (Raymond Massey1896 – 1983):加拿大美國演員。主演《Abe Lincoln in Illinois(1940) 提名奧斯卡最佳男主角獎。演出近80部影片。


1929  High Treason【未列名】

1929  The Crooked Billet【未列名】

1931  The Speckled Band

1932  The Face at the Window

1932  The Old Dark House

1934  The Scarlet Pimpernel

1936  Things to Come

1937  海上爭雄記 /英倫大火 (Fire Over England)

1937  Dreaming Lips

1937  Under the Red Rob

1937  羅宫秘史 (The Prisoner of Zenda)

1937  狂風暴雨(The Hurricane)

1938  The Drum (Drums)

1939  Black Limelight (Footsteps in the Sand)

1940  Abe Lincoln in Illinois

1940  聖非小路 (Santa Fe Trail)

1941  49th Parallel

1941  Dangerously They Live

1942  野風 (Reap the Wild Wind)

1942  血路 (Desperate Journey)

1943  血戰大西洋 / 73艦隊潛艇戰 (Action in the North Atlantic)

1944  毒藥與老婦 (Arsenic and Old Lace)

1944  綠窗艶影 (The Woman in the Window)

1945  Hotel Berlin

1945  God Is My Co-Pilot

1946  太虛幻境 (A Matter of Life and Death / Stairway to Heaven)

1947  Possessed

1947  Mourning Becomes Electra

1949  慾潮 (The Fountainhead)

1949  Roseanna McCoy

1950  噴射的愛情 (Chain Lightning)

1950  Barricade

1950  邊疆神將 (Dallas)

1951  Sugarfoot

1951  霸王奪姬 (David and Bathsheba)

1951  Come Fill the Cup

1952  鐵馬英雄 (Carson City)

1953  The Desert Song

1955  戲國王子 (Prince of Players) 

1955  戰地吼聲 (Battle Cry)

1955  天倫夢覺 (East of Eden)

1955  Seven Angry Men

1957  蓋世豪俠 (Omar Khayyam)

1958  Now That April's Here

1958  血海大進攻 (The Naked and the Dead)

1958  大騙子 (The Great Impostor)

1961  萬里雄心 (The Fiercest Heart)

1961  The Queen's Guards

1962  西部開拓史 (How the West Was Won)

1969  麥坎納淘金記 (Mackenna's Gold)


    雷蒙馬西 (Raymond Massey)
    創作者 佳銘的管窺與管見 的頭像


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