羅拔賴恩 (Robert Ryan,1909 – 1973):美國演員,經常扮演警察或硬漢。
1940 Queen of the Mob
1940 The Ghost Breakers
1940 Golden Gloves
1940 騎軍血戰史 (North West Mounted Police)
1943 The Sky's the Limit
1947 The Woman on the Beach
1947 雙雄鬥智 (Crossfire)
1948 Berlin Express
1948 The Boy with Green Hair
1948 海角亡魂 (Act of Violence)
1949 Caught
1949 出賣皮肉的人 (The Set-Up)
1949 失足恨 (The Woman on Pier 13)
1950 The Secret Fury
1950 Born to Be Bad
1951 浴血火海 /陸海空大進攻 (Flying Leathernecks)
1951 On Dangerous Ground
1952 Clash by Night
1953 The Naked Spur
1953 水晶宮寶藏 (City Beneath the Sea)
1953 囚夫記 (Inferno)
1954 About Mrs. Leslie
1955 黑巖喋血記 (Bad Day at Black Rock)
1955 竹屋 (House of Bamboo)
1955 鐵漢嬌娃 (The Tall Men)
1956 Back from Eternity
1957 最前線 (Men in War)
1958 寂寞芳心 (Lonelyhearts)
1958 上帝的小園地 (God's Little Acre)
1959 Day of the Outlaw
1959 罪魁伏法記 (Odds Against Tomorrow)
1960 冰雪盟 (Ice Palace)
1961 萬王之王 (King of Kings)
1962 Billy Budd
1965 秘密大戰爭(The Dirty Game / Guerre Secrete)
1965 坦克大決戰 (Battle of the Bulge)
1967 卡士達將軍 (Custer of the West)
1968 登陸安其奧 (Anzio)
1971 Lawman
1971 紙醉金迷 (The Love Machine)
1972 La course du lièvre à travers les champs (And Hope to Die)
1973 The Outfit
1973 Executive Action
1973 冰人來了 (The Iceman Cometh)