艾德蒙高定 (Edmund Goulding,1891 – 1959):英國電影編劇和導演。職業生涯早期是演員,20世紀20年代初,他寫了幾個劇本。最為人熟知的執導作品有,無聲電影《Love》(1927)、《大飯店》(Grand Hotel,1932)、《卿何薄命 /黑暗的勝利》(Dark Victory,1939)、《剃刀邊緣》(The Razor's Edge,1946) 和《玉面情魔》(Nightmare Alley,1947)。他也是作曲家和製片人
1925 Sun-Up【無聲電影】
1927 Love【無聲電影】
1929 重婚 (The Trespasser)
1930 Paramount on Parade
1930 The Devil's Holiday
1930 Reaching for the Moon
1931 Night Angel
1932 大飯店 (Grand Hotel)
1932 Blondie of the Follies
1934 Riptide
1935 The Flame Within
1937 That Certain Woman
1938 White Banners
1938 黎明偵察 (The Dawn Patrol)
1939 卿何薄命 /黑暗的勝利 (Dark Victory)
1939 老處女 (The Old Maid)
1939 We Are Not Alone
1940 Til We Meet Again
1941 情慌記 (The Great Lie)
1943 一世與一天 (Forever and a Day)
1943 Claudia
1943 謫仙怨 (The Constant Nymph)
1946 名士殉情記 (Of Human Bondage)
1946 剃刀邊緣 (The Razor's Edge)
1947 玉面情魔 (Nightmare Alley)
1949 Everybody Does It
1950 Mister 880
1952 未婚伉儷 (We're Not Married!)
1953 Down Among the Sheltering Palms
1956 Teenage Rebel
1958 南國春戀 (Mardi Gras)