伍蒂史屈特 (Woody Strode,1914 – 1994):曾是非洲裔美國十項運動和美式足球球星。曾演出91部影片,以萬夫莫敵(Spartacus)獲得最佳男配角金球獎提名。
1941 Sundown【未列名】
1942 Star Spangled Rhythm【未列名】
1943 No Time for Love【未列名】
1951 The Lion Hunters
1952 African Treasure【未列名】
1952 Caribbean
1952 羅宮伏獅記 ( Androcles and the Lion)
1953 水晶宮寶藏 (City Beneath the Sea)
1954 Jungle Man-Eaters【未列名】
1954 聖徒妖姬 (Demetrius and the Gladiators)【未列名】
1954 The Gambler from Natchez
1954 Jungle Gents【未列名】
1954 神杯 (The Silver Chalice)【未列名】
1955 阿利巴巴之四十女盜 (Son of Sinbad)【未列名】
1958 泰山搏命記 (Tarzan's Fight for Life)
1958 大海賊 (The Buccaneer)
1960 第九騎兵團 (Sergeant Rutledge)
1960 萬夫莫敵(Spartacus)
1961 濃本痴情君薄倖 (The Sins of Rachel Cade)
1962 雙虎屠龍 (The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance)
1963 龍虎鬥三關 (Tarzan's Three Challenges)
1965 龍虎英豪 (Genghis Khan)
1966 七婦人 (7 Women)
1968 Seduto alla sua destra (Black Jesus)
1968 薩拉哥 (Shalako)
1968 狂沙十萬里 (Once Upon a Time in the West)
1969 Che!
1970 Ciakmull - L'uomo della vendetta (The Unholy Four)
1971 偽叛者 (The Deserter)
1972 尋仇 / 復仇者 (The Revengers)
1975 Winterhawk
1976 Keoma
1977 Cuibul salamandrelor
1982 Angkor: Cambodia Express
1983 Vigilante
1984 棉花俱樂部 (The Cotton Club)
1985 Lust in the Dust
1992 Storyville
1993 Posse
1995 致命的快感 (The Quick and the Dead)