
        安東尼法蘭西斯 (Anthony Franciosa)            Anthony Franciosa -2            Anthony Franciosa -3

安東尼法蘭西沙 (Anthony Franciosa1928 – 2006)美國電影電視和舞台演員。在他職業生涯的高峰期間以東尼法蘭西沙Tony Franciosa)為名。演出77部影片。以《浪子回頭》(A Hatful of Rain)提名競逐奧斯卡最佳男主角獎。


1957  銷魂金夕 (This Could Be the Night)

1957  登龍一夢 (A Face in the Crowd)

1957  浪子回頭 (A Hatful of Rain)

1957  孽海狂濤 (Wild Is the Wind)

1958  夏日春情 (The Long, Hot Summer)

1958  風流女伯爵 (The Naked Maja)

1959  滄桑淚 (Career)

1959  The Story on Page One

1961  情海葬殘花 (Go Naked in the World)

1962  Senilità (Careless)

1962  新婚風波 (Period of Adjustment)

1964  戎馬闖關山 (Rio Conchos)

1964  蝶戀花嬌 (The Pleasure Seekers)

1966  A Man Could Get Killed

1966  Assault on a Queen

1966  金絲貓 (The Swinger)

1967  Fathom

1968  原野遊俠 (A Man Called Gannon)

1968  The Sweet Ride

1968  魚雷突襲 (In Enemy Country)

1971  情火夜談 (Nella stretta morsa del ragno / Web of the Spider)

1972  110街喋血記 (Across 110th Street)

1973  Ghost in the Noonday Sun

1975  大衝激(The Drowning Pool)

1979  火力 (Firepower)

1979  The World Is Full of Married Men

1980  La cicala (The Cricket)

1981  Aiutami a sognare

1982  報仇 (Death Wish II)

1982  Kiss My Grits (Kiss My Grits)

1982  Tenebre

1983  Julie Darling

1987  Death House

1989  La morte è di moda (Fashion Crimes)

1989  Ghost Writer

1990  Backstreet Dreams

1993  Double Threat

1995  El caçador furtiu

1996  檔案風暴 (City Hall)

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