薛尼魯梅 (Sidney Lumet,1924-2011):美國電影導演,是紐約派早期的主將。三度提名奧斯卡最佳導演獎。
1957 十二怒漢 (12 Angry Men)【提名競逐奧斯卡最佳導演獎】
1958 戲國春秋 (Stage Struck)
1959 紅杏春深 (That Kind of Woman)
1962 橋下情仇 (Vu du pont / A View from the Bridge)
1962 長夜漫漫 (Long Day's Journey Into Night
1964 典當商 (The Pawnbroker)
1964 奇幻核子戰 (Fail-Safe)
1965 山丘 (The Hill)
1966 八個夢 (The Group)
1967 倫敦間諜戰 (The Deadly Affair)
1968 Bye Bye Braverman
1968 海鷗 (The Sea Gull)
1969 疑妻記 (The Appointment)
1970 The Last of the Mobile Hot Shots
1971 大盜鐵金剛 (The Anderson Tapes)
1972 兒童遊戲 (Child's Play)
1973 突擊者 (The Offence)
1973 衝突 (Serpico)
1974 Lovin' Molly
1974 東方快車謀殺案 (Murder on the Orient Express)
1975 熱天午後 (Dog Day Afternoon)【提名競逐奧斯卡最佳導演獎】
1976 螢光幕後 (Network)【提名競逐奧斯卡最佳導演獎】
1977 戀馬狂 (Equus)
1978 新綠野仙蹤 (The Wiz)
1980 Just Tell Me What You Want
1981 Prince of the City
1982 死亡陷阱(Deathtrap)
1982 大審判 (The Verdict)
1983 Daniel
1984 Garbo Talks
1986 上流社會 (Power)
1986 清晨之後……血泊中 (The Morning After)
1988 不設限通緝 (Running on Empty)
1989 家族企業 (Family Business)
1990 Q & A
1992 終極女郎 (A Stranger Among Us)
1993 戰慄情謀 (Guilty as Sin)
1996 Night Falls on Manhattan
1997 Critical Care
1999 奪命大反擊 (Gloria)
2006 老大無罪 (Find Me Guilty)
2007 魔鬼知道你死前 (Before the Devil Knows You're Dead)