愛德華羅賓遜 (Edward G. Robinson)        Edward G. Robinson -2        Edward G. Robinson -3

愛德華羅賓遜 (Edward G. Robinson1893 1973):羅馬尼亞裔美國演員。在好萊塢黃金時代,是賣座的舞台和電影明星。50年的職業生涯中,演出40齣百老匯戲劇和百餘部電影。常飾演強硬、黑社會角色,如《小凱撒》(Little Caesar1931)、《蓋世梟雄》(Key Largo1948)等。1999年,美國電影學會評選20世紀最偉大的25位美國男影星名單中,名列第24位。


 1916  Arms and the Woman

1923  The Bright Shawl

1930  A Lady to Love

1930  Die Sehnsucht jeder Frau

1930  Outside the Law

1930  The Widow from Chicago

1931  小凱撒 (Little Caesar)

1931  坑錢 (Smart Money)

1931  Five Star Final

1932  Two Seconds

1932  Tiger Shark

1933  The Little Giant

1934  The Man with Two Faces

1935  The Whole Town's Talking

1936  黑金王國 (Bullets or Ballots)

1937  脂粉拳王 (Kid Galahad)

1937  The Last Gangster

1938  A Slight Case of Murder

1938  The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse

1938  I Am the Law

1939  納粹間諜的自白 (Confessions of a Nazi Spy)

1940  Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet

1940  兄弟幫 (Brother Orchid)

1940  A Dispatch from Reuter's

1941  The Sea Wolf

1941  雙雄鬥智 (Unholy Partners)

1942  Larceny, Inc.

1942  紐約奇譚 (Tales of Manhattan)

1943  Flesh and Fantasy

1944  風流莽漢 (Tampico)

1944  火車謀殺案 (Double Indemnity)

1944  老爺兵 (Mr. Winkle Goes to War)

1944  綠窗艶影 (The Woman in the Window)

1945  Our Vines Have Tender Grapes

1945  Scarlet Street

1946  陌生人 (The Stranger)

1947  紅樓遺恨 (The Red House)

1948  All My Sons

1948  蓋世梟雄  (Key Largo)

1948  Night Has a Thousand Eyes

1949  陌生人之屋 (House of Strangers)

1949  銀河彩鳳 (It's a Great Feeling)【未列名】

1950  My Daughter Joy (Operation X)

1953  Vice Squad

1953  大聯盟 (Big Leaguer)

1954  Black Tuesday

1955  The Violent Men

1955  Illegal

1955  漁港風雲 (Hell on Frisco Bay)

1956  十誡(The Ten Commandments)

1959  合家歡 (A Hole in the Head)

1960  七賊 (Seven Thieves)

1960  小人物狂想史 (Pepe)

1962  我與藝妓 (My Geisha)

1962  銀色私生活 / 羅馬之光 (Two Weeks in Another Town)

1963  莎咪歷險記 (Sammy Going South /A Boy Ten Feet Tall)

1964  羅賓七漢(Robin and the 7 Hoods)【未列名】

1964  東牆飄香夢 (Good Neighbor Sam)

1964  安邦定國誌 (Cheyenne Autumn)

1964  西方羅生門 (The Outrage)

1965  龍蛇爭霸 (The Cincinnati Kid)

1967  La blonde de Pékin(The Blonde from Peking)

1967  國際大竊案 (Ad ogni costo)

1968  戰鬥號角 (The Biggest Bundle of Them All)

1969  麥坎納淘金記 (Mackenna's Gold)

1970  Song of Norway

1972  Lo B'Yom V'Lo B'Layla (Neither by Day Nor by Night)

1973  超世紀謀殺案 (Soylent Green)


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