勞勃牛頓 (Robert Newton)          Robert Newton -2          Robert Newton -3

勞勃牛頓 (Robert Newton 1905 – 1956)英國舞台和電影演員,演出50餘部。在20世紀40年代和50年代初期,最受英國男孩歡迎的演員之一。最為人熟悉的演出是《金銀島》(Treasure Island1950)


1924  The Tremarne Case【短片】

1932  Reunion

1937  海上爭雄記 /英倫大火 (Fire Over England)

1937  諜血柔腸 (Dark Journey)

1937  Farewell Again (Troopship)

1937  The Squeaker (Murder on Diamond Row)

1937  The Green Cockatoo

1937  I, Claudius

1938  Vessel of Wrath (The Beachcomber)

1938  Yellow Sands

1939  Dead Men Are Dangerous (Dangerous Masquerade)

1939  牙買加客棧 /黑海人妖(Jamaica Inn)

1939  Poison Pen

1939  Hell's Cargo (Dangerous Cargo)

1940  21 Days (21 Days Together)

1940  Gaslight

1940  Busman's Honeymoon (Haunted Honeymoon)

1940  Bulldog Sees It Through

1941  Major Barbara

1942  帽商的城堡 (Hatter's Castle / A.J. Cronin's Hatter's Castle)

1942  They Flew Alone (Wings and the Woman)

1944  天倫之樂 / 快樂天地 (This Happy Breed)

1944  亨利第五 (Henry V)

1946  Night Boat to Dublin

1947  Odd Man Out

1947  Temptation Harbour (Temptation Harbor)

1948  Snowbound

1948  苦海孤雛 (Oliver Twist)

1948  Kiss the Blood Off My Hands

1949  Obsession (The Hidden Room)

1950  金銀島 (Treasure Island)

1950  Waterfront (Waterfront Women)

1951  Soldiers Three

1951  Tom Brown's Schooldays

1952  新孤星淚 (Les Misérables)

1952  羅宮伏獅記 (Androcles and the Lion)

1952  七海魔王 (Blackbeard the Pirate)

1953  沙漠之鼠 (The Desert Rats)

1954  情天未了緣 (The High and the Mighty)

1954  象國情潮 (The Beachcomber)

1954  金銀島奇俠傳 (Long John Silver)

1956  環遊世界八十天 (Around the World in 80 Days)


    勞勃牛頓 (Robert Newton)

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