湯姆伊華(Tom Ewell,1909 –1994):美國電影、舞台和電視演員,曾演出近70部影視片,最為人熟知的作品是七年一覺飄香夢 (The Seven Year Itch)。
1940 They Knew What They Wanted【未列名】
1941 Back in the Saddle【未列名】
1941 Desert Bandit
1949 金屋藏嬌 (Adam's Rib)
1950 她的一生 (A Life of Her Own)
1950 還我河山 (American Guerrilla in the Philippines)
1950 Mr. Music
1951 Up Front
1952 Finders Keepers
1952 Lost in Alaska
1952 Back at the Front
1955 七年一覺飄香夢 (The Seven Year Itch)
1956 太太從軍 (The Lieutenant Wore Skirts)
1956 The Great American Pastime
1956 春風得意 (The Girl Can't Help It)
1958 糊塗客大鬧銀行/糊塗大盜 (A Nice Little Bank That Should Be Robbed)
1962 綺夢初醒 (Tender Is the Night)
1962 我心已許 (State Fair)
1970 老爺坦克少爺兵 (Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?)
1972 To Find a Man
1972 狗兇手 (They Only Kill Their Masters)
1974 大亨小傳 (The Great Gatsby)【未列名】
1979 Butterflies in Heat
1983 Easy Money