愛德門奧勃朗 (Edmond O'Brien,1915 –1985):美國演員,從1940年代至1970年代,曾演出逾百部影視片。演赤足天使 (The Barefoot Contessa)獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎,演《五月中七天》 (Seven Days in May,1954)提名競逐奧斯卡最佳男配角獎。
1939 鐘樓怪人 (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
1941 A Girl, a Guy, and a Gob
1941 Parachute Battalion
1942 Obliging Young Lady
1942 Powder Town
1943 The Amazing Mrs. Holliday
1944 空間勝利 (Winged Victory)
1946 繡巾幪面盜 (The Killers)
1947 The Web
1947 死吻 (A Double Life)
1948 Another Part of the Forest
1948 For the Love of Mary
1948 Fighter Squadron
1948 An Act of Murder
1949 White Heat
1950 俠胆雙雄 (Backfire)
1950 D.O.A.
1950 711 Ocean Drive
1950 The Admiral Was a Lady
1950 十三號警車 (Between Midnight and Dawn)
1951 he Redhead and the Cowboy
1951 Two of a Kind
1951 Warpath
1951 銀城尤物 (Silver City)
1952 戲王之王 (The Greatest Show on Earth)【未列名】
1952 鐵馬金鎗 (Denver and Rio Grande)
1952 The Turning Point
1953 The Hitch-Hiker
1953 Man in the Dark
1953 Cow Country
1953 凱撒大帝 (Julius Caesar)
1953 China Venture
1953 The Bigamist
1954 Shield for Murder
1954 噩夢上海 (The Shanghai Story)
1954 赤足天使 (The Barefoot Contessa)
1955 血濺不夜城 (Pete Kelly's Blues)
1956 1984 (1984)
1956 六月六日斷腸時(D-Day the Sixth of June)
1956 A Cry in the Night
1956 叛諜 (The Rack)
1956 春風得意 (The Girl Can't Help It)
1957 The Big Land
1957 東京間諜站 (Stopover Tokyo)
1958 The World Was His Jury
1958 Sing Boy Sing
1959 潛襲日本海 (Up Periscope)
1959 L'ambitieuse (The Ambitious One)
1962 仙侶奇遇 (Moon Pilot)
1962 雙虎屠龍 (The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance)
1962 終身犯 (Birdman of Alcatraz)
1964 五月中七天 (Seven Days in May)
1964 戎馬闖關山 (Rio Conchos)
1965 萬綠叢中一點紅 (Sylvia)
1965 Synanon
1967 Le vicomte règle ses comptes (The Viscount)
1967 Peau d'espion (To Commit a Murder)
1969 The Love God?
1970 Dream No Evil
1972 狗兇手 (They Only Kill Their Masters)
1973 Lucky Luciano
1974 九死一生 (99 and 44/100% Dead)