約瑟夫劉易斯 (Joseph H. Lewis,1907 – 2000) : 美國B級電影導演,1966年退休。30年的影藝生涯執導50餘部影片,多數是低預算的西部、動作和驚悚片。代表作有《My Name Is Julia Ross》(1945)、《So Dark the Night》(1946)和《Gun Crazy》(1950)。
執導的影片 (部分) :
1937 Navy Spy
1937 Courage of the West
1938 Border Wolves
1939 Two-Fisted Rangers
1940 Blazing Six Shooters
1940 The Return of Wild Bill
1941 Arizona Cyclone
1942 Boss of Hangtown Mesa
1944 Minstrel Man
1945 My Name Is Julia Ross
1946 So Dark the Night
1948 小霸王 (The Swordsman)
1949 The Undercover Man
1950 A Lady Without Passport
1952 Retreat, Hell!
1953 Cry of the Hunted
1955 大爵士樂隊(The Big Combo)
1956 第七騎兵團 (7th Cavalry)
1957 牧野恩仇 (The Halliday Brand)
1958 Terror in a Texas Town