雷夫李察遜 (Ralph Richardson,1902 –1983) :英國演員,與John Gielgud和Laurence Olivier三人,在20世紀的大部分時間裡是英國舞台的重要人物。電影職業生涯演出60多部電影。兩度提名競逐奧斯卡最佳男配角獎,千金小姐 (The Heiress)和《泰山王子》(Greystoke:The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of Apes,1984)。
演出的電影 (部分) :
1933 The Ghoul
1933 Friday the Thirteenth
1934 The Return of Bulldog Drummond
1938 衛城記 (The Citadel)
1939 The Four Feathers
1939 The Silver Fleet
1942 The Day Will Dawn (The Avengers)
1943 The Silver Fleet
1946 School for Secrets (Secret Flight)
1948 春殘夢斷 (Anna Karenina)
1948 殞落的偶像 (The Fallen Idol)
1949 千金小姐 (The Heiress)
1951 島上流浪者 (Outcast of the Islands)
1952 Murder on Monday
1952 一飛冲天 (The Sound Barrier / Breaking the Sound Barrier)
1952 The Holly and the Ivy
1955 李查王三世 (Richard III)
1956 笑面神童 (Smiley)
1957 The Passionate Stranger (A Novel Affair)
1959 諜海群龍 (Our Man in Havana)
1960 出埃及記 (Exodus)
1962 長夜漫漫 (Long Day's Journey Into Night)
1962 決死雄師 (The 300 Spartans)
1964 美人局 (Woman of Straw)
1966 瘋狂世家 (The Wrong Box)
1966 戰國春秋 (Khartoum)
1969 Oh! What a Lovely War
1969 The Bed Sitting Room
1969 不列顛之戰 (Battle of Britain)
1972 Eagle in a Cage
1972 懾魄驚魂 (Tales from the Crypt)
1973 幸運的人 (O Lucky Man!)
1975 滾球大戰. (Rollerball)
1981 向上帝借時間 (Time Bandits)
1983 Invitation to the Wedding
1984 泰山王子 (Greystoke:The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of Apes)
1984 Give My Regards to Broad Street