蘇曼莎艾嘉 (Samantha Eggar,1939) : 英美退休的女演員,曾演出百餘部影視片。在莎士比亞劇院開始職業生涯後,她因在驚悚片蝴蝶春夢 (The Collector)中的表演而聲名崛起,該片獲得了金球獎和奧斯卡最佳女主角提名。
演出的電影 :
1962 The Wild and the Willing (Young and Willing)
1963 風流醫生俏護士 (Doctor in Distress)
1963 Dr. Crippen
1964 Psyche 59
1965 蝴蝶春夢 (The Collector)
1965 歷劫餘生 (Return from the Ashes)
1970 007苦戰鐵金剛 (The Molly Maguires)
1970 The Walking Stick
1970 The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun
1971 世界的邊緣 (The Light at the Edge of the World)
1972 L'etrusco uccide ancora (The Dead Are Alive!)
1972 A Name for Evil
1976 The Seven-Per-Cent Solution
1977 Welcome to Blood City
1977 Why Shoot the Teacher?
1977 九命怪貓 (The Uncanny)
1978 大戰役 (Il grande attacco / The Greatest Battle)
1979 The Brood
1980 The Exterminator
1981 惡魔:死亡使者 (Demonoid: Messenger of Death)
1981 The Hot Touch
1983 Curtains
1990 Ragin' Cajun
1992 Round Numbers
1992 神駒少女崎嶇路 (Dark Horse)
1994 Inevitable Grace
1996 轟天奇兵 (The Phantom)
1999 太空異種 (Astronaut's Wife)