丹尼斯摩根 (Dennis Morgan,1908–1994):美國演員。最初在好萊塢演些小角色。和琴裘羅吉絲 (Ginger Rogers)演《女人萬歲》(Kitty Foyle,1940)後成名。影藝生涯演了80部影片。在1950年代後期退休,偶爾客串演出。
演出的影片 :
1933 Chance at Heaven【未列名】
1936 I Conquer the Sea!
1936 歌舞大王齊格飛 (The Great Ziegfeld)【未列名】
1936 蘇西 (Suzy)
1937 Song of the City
1937 海軍學員 (Navy Blue and Gold)
1938 銀翼春秋 (Men with Wings)
1938 King of Alcatraz
1939 X博士歸來 (The Return of Doctor X)
1939 Persons In Hiding
1939 No Place to Go
1940 戰鬥六十九 (The Fighting 69th)
1940 3 Cheers for the Irish
1940 女人萬歲 (Kitty Foyle)
1941 你最親愛的 (Affectionately Yours)
1942 空軍英雄 (Captains of the Clouds)
1943 斷腸花 / 姐妹情仇 (In This Our Life)
1943 桃李飄零 (The Hard Way)
1943 幸運之星 (Thank Your Lucky Stars)
1943 大漠之歌 (The Desert Song)
1944 Shine on Harvest Moon
1944 The Very Thought of You
1944 好萊塢餐廳 (Hollywood Canteen)
1945 上帝是我的副駕駛 (God Is My Co-Pilot)
1945 下床夫妻 (Christmas in Connecticut)
1946 One More Tomorrow
1946 Two Guys from Milwaukee
1946 佳人有約 (The Time, the Place and the Girl)
1947 單槍匹馬 (Cheyenne)
1947 我的愛爾蘭野玫瑰 (My Wild Irish Rose)
1948 To the Victor
1948 桃花美人 (One Sunday Afternoon)
1949 銀河彩鳳 (It's a Great Feeling)
1949 魚龍戲鳳 (The Lady Takes a Sailor)
1950 Perfect Strangers
1950 Pretty Baby
1951 血海群龍 (Raton Pass)
1951 彩雲妃子 (Painting the Clouds with Sunshine)
1952 紅顏禍水 (This Woman Is Dangerous)
1955 南海採珠記 (Pearl of the South Pacific)
1956 Uranium Boom
1968 Rogue's Gallery
1976 妙狗拯救好萊塢 (Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood)