葛蘭黛傑克森 (Glenda Jackson 1936 – ) : 英國女演員和政治家。曾兩度獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角獎:《戀愛中的女人》(Women in Love,1970)和金屋夢痕 (A Touch of Class)。1997年至1999年曾擔任交通運輸部次長。
演出的電影 :
1956 The Extra Day【未列名】
1963 超級的男性 (This Sporting Life)【未列名】
1967 Marat/Sade
1968 Negatives
1969 戀愛中的女人 (Women in Love)
1971 樂聖柴可夫斯基 (The Music Lovers)
1971 血腥的星期天 (Sunday, Bloody Sunday)
1971 男朋友 (The Boy Friend)【未列名】
1971 英宮恨 (Mary, Queen of Scots)
1972 he Triple Echo
1973 Bequest to the Nation (The Nelson Affair)
1974 Il sorriso del grande tentatore (The Devil Is a Woman)
1975 The Maids
1975 The Romantic Englishwoman
1975 Hedda
1976 The Incredible Sarah
1977 Nasty Habits
1978 House Calls
1978 Stevie
1978 The Class of Miss MacMichael
1979 冤家我愛你 (Lost and Found)
1980 HealtH
1980 Hopscotch
1982 軍士返鄉 (The Return of the Soldier)
1982 Giro City
1985 Turtle Diary
1987 Beyond Therapy
1988 Business as Usual
1988 Salome's Last Dance
1989 The Rainbow
1989 Doombeach
1990 King of the Wind