布爾艾維斯 (Burl Ives,1909 –1995) : 美國歌手、演員和作家。在 1940 年代末和 50 年代,是一位頗受歡迎的電影演員。演錦繡大地 (The Big Country),獲得奧斯卡最佳男配角獎。
演出的電影 :
1946 Smoky
1948 飛龍引鳳 (Green Grass of Wyoming)
1948 Station West
1948 靈臺春暖 (So Dear to My Heart)
1950 Sierra
1955 天倫夢覺 (East of Eden)
1956 劫後佳人 (The Power and the Prize)
1958 榆樹下的慾望 (Desire Under the Elms)
1958 朱門巧婦 (Cat on a Hot Tin Roof)
1958 毒沼亡魂 (Wind Across the Everglades)
1959 Day of the Outlaw
1959 諜海群龍 (Our Man in Havana)
1960 誰憐孤寡淚 (Let No Man Write My Epitaph)
1963 滿庭芳 (Summer Magic)
1964 The Brass Bottle
1964 浦佛少尉 (Ensign Pulver)
1967 Those Fantastic Flying Fools
1970 The McMasters
1976 Baker's Hawk
1979 Just You and Me, Kid
1981 Earthbound
1982 White Dog
1986 Uphill All the Way
1988 Two Moon Junction