史德靈赫登 (Sterling Hayden,1916 – 1986):美國的演員和作家。早期多演西部片和黑色電影。後來成為性格演員,有《奇愛博士》、《教父》等。他有比一般明星高的身材(6呎5吋)。
1941 Virginia
1942 Bahama Passage
1947 Blaze of Noon
1949 虎將征西 (El Paso)
1949 Manhandled
1950 夜闌人未靜 (The Asphalt Jungle)
1951 Journey Into Light (Skid Road)
1952 昨日星塵 (The Star)
1952 肉搏黑旋風 (Flaming Feather)
1952 鐵馬金鎗 (Denver and Rio Grande)
1952 血戰虎門關 (Hellgate)
1952 The Golden Hawk
1952 神風隊末日記 (Flat Top)
1953 Fighter Attack
1953 寧馨兒 (So Big)
1953 亡命嬌娃 (Take Me to Town)
1953 Kansas Pacific
1954 Crime Wave (The City is Dark)
1954 華倫王子(Prince Valiant)
1954 Arrow In the Dust
1954 疑雲血影 (Naked Alibi)
1954 Suddenly
1955 直昇機大隊 (Battle Taxi)
1955 Timberjack
1955 追擊 (Shotgun)
1955 無敵艦隊 (The Eternal Sea)
1955 Top Gun
1956 綠窗神女 (The Come on)
1956 The Killing
1957 Crime of Passion
1957 5 Steps to Danger
1957 Gun Battle at Monterey
1957 Valerie
1957 生死關頭 (Zero Hour)
1957 The Iron Sheriff
1958 Ten Days to Tulara
1958 Terror in a Texas Town
1964 奇愛博士 (Dr. Strangelove)
1969 Hard Contract
1970 Ternos Caçadores
1970 Loving
1971 Le Saut de l'angeAngel's Leap
1972 教父 (The Godfather)
1972 Le Grand départ
1973 漫長的告別 (The Long Goodbye)
1973 The Final Programme (The Last Days of Man on Earth)
1974 Deadly Strangers
1975 Is It Any Wonder?
1975 Cipolla Colt (Cry, Onion!)
1976 一九○○年 (1900)
1978 King of the Gypsies
1979 殺機 (Winter Kills)
1980 The Outsider
1980 九點到五點 (9 to 5)
1981 Gas
1981 Venom