伊薇明媚絲 (Yvette Mimieux,1942 –)美國電影和電視演員和作家。1993年之後,演出許多評價不高和票房失敗的影片。
1958 一笑緣 (A Certain Smile)
1960 Platinum High School
1960 歡樂春假 (Where the Boys Are)
1962 四騎士 (The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
1962 吾家有女初長成 (Light in the Piazza)
1962 奇妙世界 (The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm)
1963 春夢了無痕 (Diamond Head)
1964 Looking for Love
1965 痴情兒女 (Joy in the Morning)
1965 懸賞 (The Reward)
1967 Monkeys, Go Home!
1967 The Caper of the Golden Bulls
1968 Three in the Attic
1969 畢加索的夏天 (The Picasso Summer)
1970 The Delta Factor
1972 空中霸王 (Skyjacked)
1973 (The Neptune Factor)
1975 Journey Into Fear)
1976 鐵窗紅杏 (Jackson County Jail)
1979 黑洞 (The Black Hole)
1981 Circle of Power