茱莉倫敦 (Julie London,1926 -2000):美國好萊塢影、視、歌三棲明星。嗓音低沉性感,擅長爵士樂演唱,50年代是她的藝術巔峰期。1995年中風導致健康走下坡。曾演出44部影視片。
1944 Nabonga
1944 Janie【未列名】
1945 鑽石俱樂部 (Diamond Horseshoe)【未列名】
1945 On Stage Everybod
1946 天堂之夜 (Night in Paradise)【未列名】
1947 紅樓遺恨 (The Red House)
1948 血戰山河 (Tap Roots)
1949 艦隊殲倭記 (Task Force)
1950 霸海爭雄記 (Return of the Frontiersman)
1951 The Fat Man
1955 The Fighting Chance
1956 Crime Against Joe
1956 The Great Man
1956 春風得意 (The Girl Can't Help It)
1957 Drango
1958 旋風雙俠 (Saddle the Wind)
1958 A Question of Adultery
1958 Voice in the Mirror
1959 Night of the Quarter Moon
1959 風塵奇俠 (The Wonderful Country)
1960 The 3rd Voice
1961 The George Raft Story