蓋漢彌爾頓(Guy Hamilton,1922 –):英國電影導演。早期擔任卡勞李 (Carol Reed)的副導。《The Ringer》是首部執導作品。較為人熟知的作品是4部007系列電影。
1952 The Ringer
1953 入侵者 (The Intruder)
1954 An Inspector Calls
1955 The Colditz Story
1956 Charley Moon
1957 情火焚舟 (Manuela)
1959 魔鬼門徒 (The Devil's Disciple)
1959 妙手爭艷 (A Touch of Larceny)
1961 最佳敵人 (The Best of Enemies)
1964 戰地生死緣 (Man in the Middle / The Winston Affair)
1964 金手指 (Goldfinger)
1965 The Party's Over【未列名】
1966 鐵幕大逃亡 (Funeral in Berlin)
1969 不列顛之戰 (Battle of Britain)
1971 金鋼鑽 (Diamonds Are Forever)
1973 生死關頭 (Live and Let Die)
1974 金鎗人 (The Man with the Golden Gun)
1978 六壯士續集 (Force 10 from Navarone)
1980 破鏡謀殺案 (The Mirror Crack'd)
1982 豔陽下的謀殺案 (Evil Under the Sun)
1985 捍衛最高機密 (Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins)
1989 Try This One for Size