柏納德李 (Bernard Lee,1908 – 1981):英國電影、電視和舞台演員。影劇生涯自1934年至1979年,演出近150部電影和電視劇。最為人熟悉的演出,是在11部007電影中擔任M的角色。
1934 The Double Event
1936 Rhodes of Africa (Rhodes)
1937 The Black Tulip
1939 The Frozen Limits
1940 Let George Do It! (To Hell with Hitler)
1946 This Man Is Mine
1947 The Courtneys of Curzon Street (Kathy's Love Affair)
1948 殞落的偶像 (The Fallen Idoll)
1948 四重奏 (Quartet)
1949 黑獄亡魂 (The Third Man)
1950 The Blue Lamp
1950 Morning Departure (Operation Disaster)
1950 Last Holiday
1950 Odette
1950 紅粉情波風塵淚 (Cage of Gold)
1951 White Corridors
1953 Mr. Denning Drives North
1953 The Yellow Balloon
1953 Single-Handed (Sailor of the King)
1953 打擊魔鬼 (Beat the Devil)
1954 神父神探 (Father Brown / The Detective)
1954 海角爭雄 (Seagulls Over Sorrento / Crest of the Wave)
1955 The Ship That Died of Shame (PT Raiders)
1956 大西洋爭霸戰 (The Battle of the River Plate)
1956 The Spanish Gardener
1957 天魔女 (Fire Down Below)
1958 Dunkirk
1958 情鎖 (The Key)
1958 The Man Upstairs
1958 身歸何處 (Nowhere to Go)
1959 生死戰線 (Danger Within)
1960 卑斯麥艦殲滅戰 (Sink the Bismarck!)【未列名】
1960 歷劫孤星 (Kidnapped)
1960 怒而不發 (The Angry Silence)
1960 Cone of Silence (Trouble in the Sky)
1961 Clue of the Silver Key
1961 孩子與強盜 (Whistle Down the Wind)
1962 第七號情報員 (Dr. No)
1962 陋室紅顏 (The L-Shaped Room)
1963 A Place to Go
1963 7號情報員續集 (From Russia with Love)
1964 Ring of Spies (Ring of Treason)
1964 Saturday Night Out
1964 金手指 (Goldfinger)
1965 活屍的城堡 (Dr. Terror's House of Horrors)
1965 冷戰諜魂 /柏林諜魂 (The Spy Who Came in from the Cold)
1965 弄情記 (The Amorous Adventures of Moll Flanders)【未列名】
1965 霹靂彈 (Thunderball)
1967 天雷箭 (O.K. Connery)
1967 雷霆谷 (You Only Live Twice)
1969 七海遊俠破諜網 (Crossplot)
1969 女王密使 (On Her Majesty's Secret Service)
1971 The Raging Moon (Long Ago, Tomorrow)
1971 金鋼鑽 (Diamonds Are Forever)
1974 Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell
1974 金槍人 (The Man with the Golden Gun)
1975 傻瓜大鬧香港 (Bons baisers de Hong-Kong / From Hong Kong with Love)
1977 海底城 (The Spy Who Loved Me)
1979 太空城 (Moonraker)