薛尼富蘭克林 (Sidney Franklin,1893 – 1972) 美國電影導演和製片人,曾執導72部影片。擅長於將文學作品或百老匯舞台劇搬上銀幕。
1915 The Baby 【短片】
1916 Gretchen the Greenhorn
1918 The Safety Curtain
1919 Heart o' the Hills
1922 Smilin' Through
1922 The Primitive Lover
1922 East Is West
1922 The Beautiful and Damned
1924 Her Night of Romance
1926 Beverly of Graustark
1926 The Duchess of Buffalo
1927 Quality Street
1929 Devil-May-Care
1934 The Barretts of Wimpole Street
1937 大地 (The Good Earth)
1939 萬世師表 (Goodbye, Mr. Chips)【未列名】
1946 太陽浴血記 (Duel in the Sun) 【未列名】
1946 紅樓春怨 (The Barretts of Wimpole Street)