珍妮葛蘭(Jeanne Crain,1925 – 2003):美國演員,影藝生涯自1943年至1975年,演出50餘部影片。演《碧姬》(Pinky,1949) 獲得奧斯卡最佳女主角獎提名。
1943 The Gang's All Here【未列名】
1944 故鄉情濃 (Home in Indiana)
1944 In the Meantime, Darling
1944 空間勝利 (Winged Victory)
1945 嘉會良緣 (State Fair)
1946 Centennial Summer
1946 Margie
1948 You Were Meant for Me
1948 Apartment for Peggy
1949 三妻豔史 (A Letter to Three Wives)
1949 少奶奶的扇子 (The Fan)
1949 碧姬 (Pinky)
1950 Cheaper by the Dozen
1951 天下父母心 (Take Care of My Little Girl)
1951 夜行人 (People Will Talk)
1951 模特兒與媒婆 (The Model and the Marriage Broker)
1952 Belles on Their Toes
1952 錦繡人生 (O. Henry's Full House)
1953 Dangerous Crossing
1953 薇姬恨史 (Vicki)
1954 獸林浴血記(Duel in the Jungle)
1955 神鎗游俠 (Man Without a Star)
1955 石榴裙下 (The Second Greatest Sex)
1955 紳士愛美人 (Gentlemen Marry Brunettes)
1956 無敵神槍手 (The Fastest Gun Alive)
1957 The Tattered Dress
1960 森林恩仇記 (Guns of the Timberland)
1961 Madison Avenue
1961 Twenty Plus Two
1961 Nefertite, regina del Nilo
1962 Ponzio Pilato (Pontius Pilate)
1962 Invasion 1700
1967 Hot Rods to Hell
1971 The Night God Screamed
1972 空中霸王 (Skyjacked)